It took nearly 80 minutes for dentists to implant gold dentures for caries in the Massweiler conservation center.

When threatened, Atlantic crabs can emit growls with teeth that evolved to shred food.

A new study shows that fossil skulls and canines of a mammal-like shrew have been found in Argentina.

A newly discovered family of minnows called vampire fish seems to have taken 30 million years to redevelop the outer fangs after they have lost their vampire-like teeth. in their

Scientists in search of answers to the question of snakes' evolutionary teeth have revealed how deadly sharp teeth evolved from ordinary teeth and allowed snakes to become How

The work of measuring and examining the teeth of living primates can open a window to understand the earliest behavior of humanity, based on their fossil remains.

After only one night, baby Oscar (Ireland) grows a sharp fang that causes both parents and doctors to surprise.

Many patients with toothache immediately get rid of the pain thanks to the mysterious tooth exploding itself.