The truth about a man with two heads is very famous in Mexico

Many people were startled when they looked at the picture of the man with these two heads. But after learning the truth, they have very different feelings.

Pasqual Pinon (1889 - 1929) is a very famous figure for Mexicans and in many parts of the world. He followed the Circus Circus Sells-Floto wandering in the early 1900s, then became a symbol of "making money" for this circus group. He was known to be the only Mexican to have two Mexican heads at the time.

Picture 1 of The truth about a man with two heads is very famous in Mexico
Portrait of Pasqual Pinon.

Pinon's story is known as follows: after losing a farm in Pancho Villa village, he and his family migrated to the United States. Because I was born there were 2 heads with full eyes, nose, ears . he used it to perform, to earn money to feed 7 mouths.

His second head could not move. It is always in a state of opening your mouth, and eyes are sometimes steaming. When Pinon was 20 years old, he had a stroke, which completely paralyzed the second head. I am not a performance artist myself, every time I go on stage Pinon just sit still, occasionally looking up to see the interaction between my two heads is enough.

Picture 2 of The truth about a man with two heads is very famous in Mexico
His second head could not move.

As can be seen, Pinon has a pretty pitiful fate. Born poorly, I had to use myself to perform, to earn money to support my family. It's just that, the story . is wrong.

The truth about Pasqual Pinon's second head

In fact, Pinon was a railroad worker from Texas, and everyone thought that the second head was actually a benign tumor growing at the top of the head before the forehead.

In a promotional tour for the railroad in 1917, he was noticed by the circus crew of Sells-Floto. However, the circus owner felt that the tumor was not attractive enough, and he decided to "dress up" the tumor, turning it into a wax face. And so the stage name "Mexican two-headed" was born.

Picture 3 of The truth about a man with two heads is very famous in Mexico
The second head is actually just a benign tumor that grows at the top of the head before the forehead.

Rumor has it that the mask is made of silver, surgically implanted into the tumor, and even accidentally caused Pinon to go crazy. However, this rumor has no reliable evidence, and most likely the circus team's game created.

Also, the circus owner is quite kind. It is known that after several years of touring, the owner of Sells-Floto circus paid money to help Pinon remove the tumor. Pinon then returned to Texas, and his fate disappeared from historical records.

Is there a two-headed person in this world?

The answer is yes! In medicine, the phenomenon of "Craniopagus parasiticus" is the rarest case of twins and conjoined eggs - appearing only at 4 - 6 / 10,000,000 children.

Picture 4 of The truth about a man with two heads is very famous in Mexico
Up to now, only about 10 cases have been recorded with 2 heads.

Up to now, only about 10 cases have been recorded. This is a very dangerous syndrome, because one of the two individuals stops growing and lives on the other, causing the existence of the other finishing species to be in danger.

Therefore, parasitic twins often die very early, right after birth.