Why does the whale's body explode?

Whale carcasses ashore are a matter of concern in many countries around the world. It is unclear what is happening, but even getting close to them can create a disaster.

Because, the image below will tell you why carelessly approaching a whale can cause a very terrible disaster.

Picture 1 of Why does the whale's body explode?

Right!Whale carcasses may explode , and not many people know about it.

What causes the whale's body to explode

When a living organism dies, bacteria and maggots will enter, causing the body to decompose quickly.

The organ will decompose first, creating a buildup of gas in the body - usually methane and nitrogen-based gases, causing the body to become " in a state ". This gas will quickly escape as the skin breaks down.

Picture 2 of Why does the whale's body explode?
Methane and nitrogen-based gases, cause the body to fall into " state " .

But that's in people, and whale carcass is a different story. Whale skin is very thick and has very strong elasticity, can withstand extreme pressure, is extremely difficult to decompose. Therefore gas can accumulate with huge volumes.

Imagine, a whale weighs about 170 tons. What would such a great body decompose into gas? Their bodies will become a slow explosive bomb.

But often this bomb only explodes when there is human impact. Many curious people climbed on the whale carcasses to take pictures, took a knife for some skin, meat, teeth . to make memories. They didn't know that just a cut, their bodies would explode like balloons.

In general, this explosive force is not strong enough to cause death, but it can also hurt us. Also, getting this stinking organ shot straight at you is also worthy of being called a disaster.

Picture 3 of Why does the whale's body explode?
This explosive force is not strong enough to cause death, but it can also hurt us.

What do people do to handle whale carcasses?

The process of decomposing whale carcasses can reach . 30 years , so leaving the body on the beach near the residential area is definitely unacceptable.

In many parts of the world, people bury their bodies as soon as they are discovered. If the body is too large, it is necessary to chop the meat for processing.

There are a number of cases where whale carcasses are severely decomposed and cannot be buried. In this case, people use explosives to see the dead fish.