10 countries with the highest IQ in the world

5 of the 10 countries listed in this list are all in Asia, the rest are mostly from the European region .

This list has caused much controversy because many people believe that it does not reflect the reality because the research methods are still incomplete and inaccurate. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for entertainment purposes rather than for information purposes.

The authors speculate that the IQ is likely to be affected by each country's GDP, so it is not surprising that these top 10 countries are considered rich countries, in when no African or South American country reached the top 25.

The United States is not on this list because it only scored an average of 98 (ranked 19th), while Canada only scored 97 points, and the United Kingdom and China were slightly higher with 100 points.

No country has achieved an average score equivalent to the level of talent intelligence (IQ above 130 points) because in fact IQ above 130 is unbelievable.

1. Hong Kong: IQ average 107 points

Picture 1 of 10 countries with the highest IQ in the world

Hong Kong is not entirely a country, but a special administrative area of ​​China, often recognized and compared by organizations (including the United Nations and IMF) as a country.

Hong Kong is ranked highly in the field of mathematics and science, and only ranks behind Finland in the list of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for the quality of education.

Hong Kong attaches great importance to success and achievement in education, with more than 1,000 schools serving a population of 7.1 million.

2. South Korea: average IQ score of 106 points

Picture 2 of 10 countries with the highest IQ in the world

Korea is currently the country with the fastest average internet connection in the world. This contributes a lot to the process of accessing research and information compared to many other countries.

The education system in Korea has been highly appreciated, but due to the competitive situation and strict rules and a number of other factors have led to high suicide rates, especially in exams.

Of course, these cases are not common but it is a consequence of pressure because many Korean students spend up to 14 hours a day studying.

3. Japan: IQ average 105 points

Picture 3 of 10 countries with the highest IQ in the world

With the strength of being a leading producer and exporter of electronics and technology, it is not surprising that Japan is one of the countries with the highest average IQ.

Tokyo University is considered to be the best university in Asia and is among the top 25 universities in the world.

Japan's literacy rate is 99% and like Singapore, this country often scores well in research based on science and math talent.

4. Taiwan: IQ average 104 points

Picture 4 of 10 countries with the highest IQ in the world

Education is always an important issue in Taiwan. Many students here love to participate in extracurricular activities, regularly studying and cultivating their English capital.

The proportion of Taiwanese students striving for the success and development of the economy here in particular and the desire to compete in a global market in general is increasing.

5. Singapore: IQ average 103 points

Picture 5 of 10 countries with the highest IQ in the world

Singapore students and students are regularly ranked high in different rankings in science and math.

The country has a population of just over 5 million but has incredible GDP (270 billion USD) and per capita GDP of about 52,918 USD (while the US GDP per capita is 52,839 USD). Export turnover exceeded imports significantly. These means that the country is rich enough and the ability to spend more money on social projects related to education and learning.

In addition, Singapore is ranked by the World Bank as a place with the world's leading favorable business environment.

6. Netherlands: IQ average 102 points

Picture 6 of 10 countries with the highest IQ in the world

Twelve years of compulsory education can help the Netherlands raise its average IQ score to the same level as many developed countries in the world.

The Netherlands currently ranks sixth on the list with Austria, Germany and Italy. At the same time, the country also has a ninth-ranked education system among OECD's best-educated countries.

7. Italy: average IQ 102

Picture 7 of 10 countries with the highest IQ in the world

Italy may be one of the world's longest and richest in the world, thanks to the golden era of the Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Italy (post-Rome) and the Renaissance.

Italy also has many famous artists, sculptors, poets and writers around the world, with big names like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Dante Alighieri and Galileo Galilei.

8. Germany: IQ average 102 points

Picture 8 of 10 countries with the highest IQ in the world

Germany is one of the countries with the highest GDP in the world (3,400 billion USD in 2013), surpassing other rivals in Europe such as France and England.

It is also home to some of the oldest and most highly regarded universities in the world, such as the University of Heidelberg (founded in 1386), which has studied and researched 55 Nobel laureates.

9. Austria: IQ average 102 points

Picture 9 of 10 countries with the highest IQ in the world

Austria is a small country bordering countries like Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Education is free and compulsory for Austrian children for at least the first nine years, before choosing to continue with higher education.

10. Switzerland and Sweden: average IQ of 101 points

Picture 10 of 10 countries with the highest IQ in the world

Switzerland is famous for its watches and banks, industries that require a large amount of research materials. While Sweden is a studious country with the percentage of people with university degrees in the world's highest total population.