10 immortal sayings of billionaire Bill Gates

Before he retired, Bill Gates gave 10 tips for young people on their career path.

The immortal sayings of billionaire Bill Gates

1. 'Life is not fair - Get used to it'

The world is never fair. You know this right? You can never change the world. Injustice always exists in the present society, so try to adapt.

Picture 1 of 10 immortal sayings of billionaire Bill Gates

2. 'No one cares about your self-esteem. People just expect you to achieve something before you feel good about yourself. '

Excessive self-esteem can make it difficult for you to work. Don't overestimate your self-esteem, because what people care about is what you achieve, not self-esteem.

3. 'You will not earn $ 40,000 / year immediately after graduating from high school. You are not a big boss with a car phone until you get those two. '

Usually, you cannot be rich if you just graduated from high school. However, to become a senior manager, you need both high school diploma and money.

Picture 2 of 10 immortal sayings of billionaire Bill Gates

4. 'If you think your teacher is so dark, wait until you work under a boss. Then you will see for him there is no concept of tenure. '

Don't complain that your boss is too hard. When sitting in a school chair, when having difficulties in studying, there are teachers to help you. However, if at that time you feel all the difficulties you encounter are due to the strict requirements from the teachers, then you should not go to work.

Simply because if there are no strict requirements from the company, then surely you will do nothing and quickly unemployed. And now there will be no one to help you.

5. 'If you mess things up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't complain about your mistake, learn from them.'

Don't rule your failure for fate. All you need now is to keep calm and start over.

6. 'Before you were born, your parents were not "boring" as they are now. Your parents have paid your bills, washed your clothes clean and listened to how cool you are. So before you nag at your parents, clean up your bedroom to make it easier. '

You should show your gratitude to your parents for spending most of your life raising you. The 'old-fashioned' of your parents today is the price they pay for your growth.

Picture 3 of 10 immortal sayings of billionaire Bill Gates

7. 'In school, there may be no winners and losers but not in school. In some schools people also drop drop points and give you the chance to win a high score. There is never such a thing in real life. '

Remind yourself that you can always become the leader, so you will have more motivation to strive for your career.

8. 'Life is not divided into semesters. You also don't have summer to relax and very few bosses are interested and help you find this opportunity. Do what you want during your free time. '

Do not always wait for the holidays, otherwise you will lag behind your colleagues. This lag means elimination and unemployment.

9. 'Television is not real life. In life, one must know to leave the entertainment cafe to go to work '.

Everyone likes to watch dramas. However, you should not watch too much because it is not your life and your thoughts will be affected by them. Your life should be decided by you.

Picture 4 of 10 immortal sayings of billionaire Bill Gates

10. 'Be gentle with the nuts. Who knows the next day and then you may have to work for someone like that. '

You should be gentle with people. In life always happens things you don't want at all. Be open to your boss and don't speak ill behind their backs because it won't help you.