10 most intelligent animals

Elephants recognize themselves in the mirror, crows create tools to get food, monkeys have altruism, sympathy and sharing . These are animals with high intelligence, only after humans.

People are considered to be the most intelligent animals because we know how to learn, think, and solve problems. We have awareness, affection and thought, know how to create tools and enjoy art. People also have language and use it to express thoughts. Those are all signs of intelligence.

Picture 1 of 10 most intelligent animals

The chimp gene has 98% of the human-like trait. They know how to create and use organized group hunting and tools. They also have their own customs. Experimental observations show that they have sympathy, altruism and self-awareness. During a test, chimpanzees perform better memory exercises than humans.

Picture 2 of 10 most intelligent animals

This Australian dolphin knows to use sponges to protect its muzzle when hunting under the sea. This behavior is passed down from mother to daughter. That is just one of the clever signs of whales. Other features include whistling and tapping to exchange information.

Picture 3 of 10 most intelligent animals

The enormous size of the elephant's brain proves that they must know something about the world. They observed that they comforted family members, helped their fellow people when necessary, communicated through the rhythm of the vibrations transmitted through their legs. Happy elephant in the picture also realized he was in the mirror. This complex behavior is only available in humans, large gibbons and dolphins.

Picture 4 of 10 most intelligent animals

Soft-footed animals (octopus, squid) are the smartest invertebrates in the sea. They have the ability to learn and use tools. In addition, their brains are like humans, have folds and areas of visual and tactile processing.

Picture 5 of 10 most intelligent animals

Crows can take advantage of branches, feathers and other crumbs to get food from difficult places. The bird also learns by watching the sunbae - a sign of high intelligence.

Picture 6 of 10 most intelligent animals

Soc knows how to create fake food hiding places to trick thieves. This behavior became apparent after they observed humans stealing their nuts. Rodents also know how to create 3-dimensional maps to remember where they hide food.

Picture 7 of 10 most intelligent animals

Dogs know to follow the boss's orders like sitting, lying down, going to get things, but they can also read the owner's thoughts. Dogs in photos also distinguish landscape and dog photos - demonstrating that they have formed the concept of "dogs".

Picture 8 of 10 most intelligent animals

Like dogs, cats are also trained to lie down, roll or jump over wires. But training cats is harder than dogs. That doesn't mean they're less intelligent. Cats are animals that like to live alone. They are highly adaptable to different habitats.

Picture 9 of 10 most intelligent animals

According to some experts, pigs are the smartest and cleanest pets than cats and dogs. But because pigs don't have sweat glands, they have to roll themselves in the mud to cool their bodies. One sign of pig intelligence is that they can use snout to move the cursor on the screen and use the cursor to distinguish the words they know or see for the first time.