10 scientific mysteries are challenging people

We cannot deny the tremendous development of science today. But that is not enough to help us answer all the questions.

Does the universe start from a Big Bang?

The Big Bang theory (Big Bang) has been used to explain the formation of the Universe over the years. But is it the final answer?

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This theory was given to the name Big Bang by its opponents, Fred Hoyle.

This theory was given to the name Big Bang by its opponents, Fred Hoyle. He said that the Universe was static and eternal, but this theory was quickly rejected. In 1929, Edwin Hubble proved that the cylinder was expanding. Many more beneficial evidence for Big Bang Theory was also given: in 1965, the existence of cosmic background radiation (CMB), Big Bang's remnant, was confirmed.

But there is also a problem. Hubble's 1929 measurements were rejected in 1990. The truth is that the universe expanded at a slower rate than expected by the Big Bang Theory. Instead, Alan Guth corrected the Big Bang Theory, claiming that the universe first expanded rapidly and slowly slowed down.

But like the critics of the Big Bang Theory pointed out, it cannot be proved. Perhaps we need to find a new way to explain the origins of the universe.

Can we predict earthquakes?

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Earthquakes took place when two lithosphere pieces collided.

Our understanding of Earth's movement is quite late. Only until 1912 did Alfred Wegener come up with the idea that continents were moving continuously. In the 1960s, the US Navy observed that the seabed was not as flat as previously assumed but included long running mountains.

Scientists conclude that the seabed is also affected by volcanic and earthquake activities. This discovery forms Plate Tectonics, explaining the large-scale motion of Earth's lithosphere. We now know that earthquakes happen when two lithosphere collide.

We have been able to identify the most likely sites of Tectonic activity. But we still cannot know the exact time of an earthquake. For example, scientists can predict an earthquake that will soon happen in Los Angeles. That means it will happen from tomorrow until 30 years.

What makes ice ages?

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What causes the fluctuation of CO 2 in human years?

We still do not know the cause of the Ice Age. Milutin Milankovitch introduced an interpretation in the 1920s. He said that because of the way Earth moves, it receives different amounts of solar energy at different times. This results in ice ages appearing at regular intervals. At first it sounded right because the Ice Age appeared every 100,000 years.

But Milankovitch's theory cannot explain some important irregularities: for example, there was a period of 200 million years without the Ice Age. Current theories focus on the Greenhouse effect but this only raises more questions than gives an answer. What causes the fluctuation of CO 2 in human years? Scientists argue over this but the facts are not yet clarified.

Does there exist a "lost link" ?

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A "lost link" is a hypothetical evolutionary link between monkeys and humans.

A "lost link" is a hypothetical evolutionary link between monkeys and humans. In 1912, Charles Dawson found a skull with a human skull and a monkey-like jaw at Piltdown, near Lewes, England. For 41 years, the scientific community believed that we had found the Lost Link.

However, this extraordinary discovery turned out to be just a fool of the conservator at the British Museum of Zoology, named Hinton. Why did you do this? Is that the way you take revenge?

Hinton started working at the museum as a volunteer. When he asked to be paid, he was rejected by Arthur Smith Woodward, who preserved the Paleontology area. So Hinton falsified the skull to weaken Woodward's power as a scientist. But the plan was not successful.

In 1956, William Straus and AJ E argued that the Neanderthals were the direct ancestors of humankind. However, new techniques for fossil dating indicate that humans and Neanderthals lived in the same age and interacted with each other. The gap is still open.

Why does it take so long to develop an effective communication system?

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Why is there such a big gap between abstract paintings and the first communication system?

The first art pieces were identified about 35,000 years ago. But the writing was only developed 7,000 years ago and must have passed 2,000 years for mathematics to rise.

Why is there such a big gap between abstract paintings and the first communication system? The most logical argument is that our brains must change first? But how? The brain is an extremely complex structure, we may need several centuries before we understand how it works.

How do we learn languages?

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People have instinct for language, but what is the nature of these instincts?

Scientists are not interested in the language acquisition mechanism until Psychoanalysis emerges. In the 1920s Jean Piaget developed a theory of the development of cognition, arguing that the process of language acquisition was encoded in genes and occurred in the correct order. Piaget conducted her research mainly based on the survey of children.

However, other aspirants attempted to re-implement his research but received only very different results. Finally, it is thought that the method of surveying children is the cause of excessive interpretation.

Many psychologists today think that people have instincts about language. Just like spiders have the instinct to weave silk webs, children learn language from their parents. But what is the nature of these instincts? How can children create the first sentence? These questions are still in deadlock.

What does a real black hole look like?

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No one really knows what happens inside a black hole.

Initially, the concept of black holes encountered skepticism. When I first heard them, physicist Arthur Eddington exclaimed: "I think there must be a natural rule that forbids a star" to behave "in this unreasonable way."

Black holes were predicted by Oppenheimer in 1938. But we can still be sympathetic to Sir Arthur Eddington, because the behavior of black holes is counterintuitive. No one really knows what happens inside a black hole. In the 1990s, scientists discovered the existence of supermassive black holes of the size of a billion suns. They tend to be distributed in the center of elliptical galaxies. Are they involved in forming these galaxies? We don't know.

How old is the pillar?

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The answer falls between 8 and 20 billion years, some huge errors.

This is a difficult question. The answer falls between 8 and 20 billion years, some huge errors. The most " hacked brain" part of the problem is being able to age the universe smaller than its oldest star. Studies conducted in 1994 indicate that the universe is only 8 billion years old, meaning the Milky Way's oldest star is older than the universe. Fortunately, the calculations made in 1999 rejected previous studies.

But it is only a brief triumph. Other research done with the latest technology indicates that the universe is actually 15% smaller, which also means that it is 15% younger. According to this new study, stars are older than the universe itself. Where did we go wrong? Or maybe we still don't understand some important rules?

Does multiverse exist or not?

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The universe expands over time and then shrinks to the size of an atom.

Fantasy novelist Jack Williamson first introduced the concept of Multiverse in 1952. It inspired physicist Hugh Everett, who in 1957 wrote a doctoral thesis on Multiverse. According to his model, all events create a number of universes in which all possible consequences of this event occur.

John Wheeler, Everett's instructor, launched another version. According to him, the universe expanded with time and then shrunk to the size of an atom. But some other scientists note that the universe may not have enough material to collapse itself.

Stephen Hawking developed a theory that says there are countless universes with all possible futures.

The problem is that we cannot really test these theories in practice.

How will the universe end?

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Another Bing Bang will happen and the universe will be reborn.

One hypothesis is that the universe will begin to shrink at some point, until it reaches the size of an atom. Another Bing Bang will happen and the universe will be reborn.

But there are also other possibilities. The universe can also continue to expand with galaxies gradually drifting apart. Even the current stars will use up all their fuel and there will be nothing left.

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  2. The mysteries that scientists cannot explain
  3. Solve the 9 biggest mysteries of science in the 21st century