A prolonged quietness in the sun's activity made celestial physicists unable to take their eyes off the telescope and waited to observe what the sun would do next.

The new study shows that climate change could cause ocean currents in the oceans to become numb, gradually turning the Northern Hemisphere region back to the Ice Age.

The giant tatu weighs half a ton and is as big as a car Volkswagen Beetle used to live on Earth in the last Ice Age.

According to warnings from recent scientists, in the coming years, the Earth will officially enter a period of sharp decline in temperature - can be considered

Scientists identified the process of thin strips of land connecting ancient England with Europe destroyed in a massive flood that occurred nearly half a million years ago.

Currently, a group of researchers is considering another type of climate change — a minor ice age — that they say has made some Eurasian empires, including the La Empire. Code,

The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the ocean plays an important role in making the Ice Age on Earth happen every 100,000 years.

The world today is more likely to be shaped by a giant tsunami nearly 100 meters high caused by meteorites.

Massive granite blocks lie on the edge of the edge from the ice age of tens of thousands of years ago, as they did not bear the attraction of gravity or the thrust of visitors.

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