13 most terrifying and mysterious creatures in the world

The world exists many scary but strange creatures that to this day remain a mystery to humans. They appear very little in front of humans but always evoke curiosity, imagination and create fear for people.

They have become the subject of many science films, documents, books or even songs. And it's something rooted in our culture.

But do these creatures really exist? And ever existed? Or is it merely a scam or a result of human imagination? And whether you believe it or not, if you see it in real life or in a dream, even just thinking about it will make you extremely frightened.

Follow our list of scary and mysterious creatures below to find your explanation.

Dover Devil

This creature was seen three different times in Dover, Massachusetts on April 21 and 22, 1977.

Based on its shape, it is speculated that this creature is an alien or just a result of some kind of scientific experiment, such as when humans come from another planet.

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Dover demon image

The shape of the Dover demon is described as follows: a large watermelon-like head, bright orange eyes, long, slender arms and slender legs. It has no fur, rough skin, rough and brown like a sandpaper.

The Dover demon lacks a lot of facial parts like the nose, ears, and mouth. It was about 90cm tall and it let out a horrifying sound that sounded like the hiss of a hawk combined with a snake.

Jersey monster

This monster is thought to have been seen by a Pine Barrens in southern New Jersey and began to have stories about it from the 1800s until the beginning of the 20th century.

The Jersey Devil is described as a flying and clawed bipedal animal . Their wings are like bat wings and the head looks like a horse.

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Jersey monster

The legend of this monster is derived from the story of 'Mother Leeds' - a local witch who called the devil to her while giving birth to her 13th child. When the baby is born, immediately turn into a monster and fly out to a nearby vineyard.

The Jersey monster is said to have destroyed many garden flowers with strange footprints and sounds. In the early 1900s, many people in New Jersey and surrounding countries claimed to have seen the monster with their own eyes, along with many evidence of its presence, especially strange footsteps of fear. scared for a lot of people.

Flatwoods monsters

It is said that the monster Flatwoods is some aliens discovered. Some people saw this animal hovering in the air, but some people found it resting on the ground in the town of Flatwoods, Braxton State, west Virginia on September 12, 1952.

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Flatwoods monsters

According to what was recorded, it was an extremely large monster, at least 3m tall . Its face emitted a red light while its body was green. Its head is like a heart or ace in the deck and there are two big round eyes that are not human eyes.

But the body has a rather human-like appearance in black clothes like a dress. According to the description, Flatwoods have no arms or, if so, short, fat arms with long claws.

The owl

Mawnan, Cornwall in 1976 - the first place is said to have seen the appearance of a creature called a owl.

The first sighting was on April 17, 1976 when the creature was discovered hovering above the Mawan church tower with a scary face. And in August 1978, all the neighborhoods of this church were seen.

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The owl

More surprisingly, this owl is about the size of a human, has pointed ears, red eyes and claws like black pincers. Its body has some similarities with the famous Mothman monster with large gray wings.

Interestingly, there have been many reports of strange flying objects or strange animals in the vicinity before the arrival of owl people - this is similar to the case of the monster Mothman .

The lizard in the swamp Scape Ore

In the list of frightening and strange animals, the lizard people deserve a high position. It is thought that it lives in marsh areas in and around the town of Lee, south Carolina.

The first time anyone saw it on June 29, 1988. The lizardman is described as being over 2m tall, has two legs and a green scales and red eyes.

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Lizard people

According to some reports, lizards have three toes on one foot and three fingers on each hand . The tip of each finger has a circular membrane that makes it possible to grip when climbing walls or on the ceiling.

They have an extraordinary power and evidence is the damage of the means of unfortunate people who encounter it. The lizardman was able to throw a flying car away.

6. Bunyip Devil

For those born and raised in Australia, the Bunyip demon will be extremely familiar. Bunyip is a creature that appears in many myths of Australian aborigines. They often hide in marshes, riverbeds and water holes.

The Bunyip demon is like a giant starfish walking on the ground. In the 19th century, there were many articles describing its face like a black-haired dog, and a pony tail. Its legs are like propellers, fangs are like hippos, horns or beaks like speculum.

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The Bunyip demon

In an article published in 1845 depicting the Australian Bunyip demon as follows:

'Bunyip Devil is a unified combination of characteristics of a bird and a crocodile. It had an ostrich-like head with a long beak, at the top of the beak protruding a horizontal muscle on both sides and a jagged mouth like the bones of stingrays. Its body and legs are a bit like a crocodile. The hind legs are thick and strong, the front legs are longer but still have great strength. They have very long claws, so black people think that if they want to kill them, the prey must hold it to death. When in the country, he swam like a frog and when he went on the shore he used his hind legs, his head was always high, then, they were about 3.6 m high. "

7. Sigbin

Sigbin is a terrifying creature from the Philippines, who often lurks in the darkness at night and sucks the victims' blood from their shadows - that's how no other creatures are discovered. , especially people.

Sigbin is thought to go backwards with its head lowered between its hind legs. It has invisibility, so people are easily fooled.

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It was like a goat but no horns but only big ears, could be slapped like a hand and had a flexible tail like a whip. In particular, Sigbin is said to emit something very disgusting. Sometimes they tend to wander in the evening to be able to devour children.

In 2005, scientists in Borneo discovered a fox-like predator with its hind legs longer than the front legs. It has a rather clumsy gait and extremely scary appearance, which is said to be quite similar to Sigbin but still has no firm conclusion.

8. Canvey island monsters

Canvay Island Monster is the name given to an unusual creature that drifted to the coast of Canvey Island, England in October 1954. Another animal was found to be more intact in August 1955.

According to a 1954 study, this monster was 76cm long with thick reddish-brown skin, bulging eyes and gills.

It has no front legs and its long legs have five horseshoe-shaped toes - seemingly suitable for two-legged movement.

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Canvey island monster

The body was cremated after scientists checked it out and thought it was dangerous for humans.

In 1955, a similar monster was found, but it was much larger in size with a height of 1.2m and weighed 11.3kg. They're quite fresh with red eyes, two nostrils and teeth that can be used for research. However, there is no official document about this monster as well as an explanation of what happened to that corpse.

9. Pope Lick monster

In most of the notes left, the Pope Lick monster appeared like a body half -morphed and half -deformed from a man.

He was very healthy, his legs were full of goats and his face was white with a beaked nose and big eyes. The monster has a short, sharp horn protruding from the forehead hidden under a long hair of the same color as the legs.

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Pope Lick monster

Many legends tell about the existence and origin of this creature with the way it attacks the victims. According to some records, Pope Lick monsters use hypnosis or imitate the voice to attract prey to death, such as standing in front of a rushing train.

Many other stories claim that this monster can jump from the abutments to the roof of cars going under it. In addition, it attacked the victims with a bloody ax.

10. The goat

It is an animal that bears the horrifying blending characteristics of humans and goats like: having horns, claws with deformed lines . It seems, it is a typical image of forest gods in Greek mythology.

However, many witnesses believe that this monster is not the result of nothingness from myths but also appears in reality - a carnivorous, blood-sucking creature cannot be underestimated. .

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In 1957, for the first time, it was reported that a furry and horned monster was found in the Forestville and Upper Marlboro area of ​​Prince George state.

Subsequently, in the summer of 1962, it was alleged that the goats killed about fourteen people including 12 children and two adults when they were walking near their lair. Of course, there were people who escaped death but their bodies were torn apart to an unrecognizable extent.

They claimed that the goats had aggressively attacked the victims, using their axes to brake them into pieces and screaming horrible sounds that only it could create.

11. Chupacabra

Chupacabra must still be a very strange name for most of us. The first appearance of this mysterious animal was recorded in the 70s of the last century. However, it wasn't until 20 years later that Chupacabra truly emerged as a phenomenon in Puerto Rico . People said the animal killed a large number of ducks, chickens, rabbits and even goats on their farms.

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Describing that Chupacabra is about the size of a chimp, it jumps like a kangaroo . The eyes of this animal are big, red and bright while its skin is gray. In addition, it is said that Chupacabra has hairy hands, long blades such as solid blades, sharp fangs and can have wings.

12. Jersey Devil

This monster is known as a terror in the early 20th century of the people of New Jersey. The frightening appearance of the Jersey Devil made people think it was an omen of war.

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Studies show that more than 2,000 Americans have encountered this animal. It is about 1 meter tall with a dog-like head but its face resembles a horse. Jersey Devil's neck is long and it has 0.6 m wide wings.

13. Mothman

During a 13-month period since November 1966 in southern Virginia, there was a continuous occurrence of a strange animal named Mothman. This is also the first time in the US there are hundreds of people claiming that they have seen such a winged creature like that.

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Mothman is at least 2 m tall with wings larger than 3 m. Its skin has scales, gray while the eyes are big, bright red and mesmerizing. Mothman can fly at 100 mph and its screech also has the potential to cause television and radio interference.