13 species of miraculous ancient mammals

When it comes to creatures from ancient times that exist on Earth, it must first mention the dominance of dinosaurs 65 million years ago. But in fact, during the development of animals on Earth, there are many more exotic ancient animals than dinosaurs.

Amazingly unknown species of ancient animals

But these animals appear not much in the works, read stories, so dinosaurs are considered the overarching image of prehistoric times.

Here are 13 miraculous ancient telepal animals:

1. Opabinia sea scorpion

Opabinia marine scorpion is an ancient animal belonging to the Cambrian period . In the Cambrian period, the Earth had a boom in the number of animals. Then there are many new animal species that appear, it is recorded, this is the period of the most flourishing of the animal world in Earth's history.

Picture 1 of 13 species of miraculous ancient mammals

Opabinia marine scorpion is a strange animal, scientists have studied and suggested that it has distant relations with shrimp species and has no relation with any other living creatures today. .

Opabinia marine scorpions live in the ocean, which is the area of ​​Canada today. It looks similar to the strange animals in children's cartoons, with a length of 1.2m, it swims with 14 identical bears .

The strangest thing is at the head of this scorpion. There are 5 eyes on their heads , and 5 eyes are always protruding to look like mouths, and in front of these 5 eyes there is a long, soft mouth on the corner of the mouth that grows one more.

2. Strange bugs (Hallucigenia)

This bug is similar to the earliest discovered Opabinia scorpion in Canada. This is also a famous animal in the Cambrian period.

This bug belongs to the centipede family, has a very large head, each side has 7 hard pointed prongs facing up. Because of such a strange structure, scientists have no way to determine what is the head, the tail. It is as long as 7 vertebrae, the shape is like an insect, there are 7 intersecting beards on the body. One end of it has a round shape, so it seems to be the head, but it can't find eyes and mouths at all. There is also a long stretcher on the body and another is rolled on its back, maybe it is anus and their mouth.

The name of this bug is derived from the ' thrilling day dream '.

In 1977, Morris, an ancient British biologist who studied the fossils of this animal and saw the two rows of rules distributed in the body, thought it was their ornament, but actually That substance is the leg to move. He said that this creature " only dreamed to see ", so it was dubbed the bizarre aphid.

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3. Sea fruits (animals whose bodies have fruit shapes)

The strangeness of this animal is that their bodies are not symmetrical. This species has distant relatives with sea urchins, living about 3.5 billion years to 5 billion years in the northern hemisphere. It looked like a tadpole carrying a deformed shell. Some scientists believe that this animal is most likely the ancestor of vertebrates .

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4. Conodonts (animals have teeth-like bodies)

Conodonts are actually marine creatures with the smallest skeletons and fossil bodies, in which they have some characteristics of the ancient organism.

The shape of Conodonts is very diverse, with sharp teeth or serrated shapes similar to that of ancient animals. This is also one of the important research contents of ancient biology, helping solve the problems of ancient living organisms. Conodonts have very small bodies, less than 0.1mm to 4mm. It lived about 2.1 billion years ago to 5.1 billion years ago. They look like teeth or small combs, have very long eyes and fins, teeth in the mouth, but cannot find the lower jaw or any part of the body. Many scientists believe that Conodonts is probably one of the first known vertebrates .

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5. Green shell fish (Ostracoderms)

This animal is one of the first shelled vertebrate animals, a fish without a lower jaw. They lived about 3.7 billion years ago to 4.3 billion years. Their bones are mainly soft bones, the whole body is covered by a thick and hard outer shell. They can be up to 7.62 cm in size, but most are only about 2.54 cm short. On the surface of the shell there are two small holes, that is the eye.

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6. Fire dragon (Diplocaulus)

The fire dragon that lives in the Permian period , is an ancient, migratory animal, they lived 2.7 billion years ago, their current habitat is in the state of Texas in the United States.

They are 1m tall, look very much like lizards. Its most bizarre feature is its head, its head looks like a dart, there are two small eyes in the front, and its wings grow out on both sides. Their bodies are small, about 60cm. The first part is like a triangular arrow and larger than the body, the shape is very strange and they also have a long tail. Scientists believe that the structure of this fire dragon species is very likely to let them easily swim, and can also let them deal with the enemy.

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7. Thuy long (Lystrosaurus)

The water dragon is an ancient reptile that has become extinct, but its body has an evolutionary shape similar to that of mammals, while the first part remains the same. They live along lakes, rivers, streams, and herbivores. They have short mouths, but especially in their mouths grow two long horns, their bodies are stout and four feet similar to lizards. Thuy Long has a big, short neck, and has a body similar to the hippo today. So scientists think that water dragon has the same life as the hippopotamus today. They are widely distributed, in South Africa, India, the South Pole and Xinjiang China.

There are studies saying that the water dragon species appeared in the Permian period, it is the animal that survived the genocide in Pecmi. Scientific researchers say that, at the beginning of the Permian era, the creature was faced with an extinction, 95% of animals could not escape death, but Thuy Long still existed.

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8. Whale (Ambulocetus)

5 billion years ago, whale habitats were Pakistan today. They are the ancestors of continental whales and mammals today. Whales are about 30.48 cm long, they look like a combination of otters and crocodiles. Big head, sharp mouth, eyes on the back. The muscles in the head and neck are very hard. They have a large head and a long mouth, sharp teeth used to eat other fish. Research shows that sometimes whales drink seawater, sometimes drink fresh water. The hunting methods of continental whales and whales today are the same.

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9. Large cranes (Phorusrhacos)

Large cranes are flightless species , a large predatory bird , distributed in the southern part of the Americas. 20 million years ago, mainland South America has yet to have the appearance of mammals. Large cranes are the first animals to appear on this continent. This flightless bird is 2.5m tall, weighing up to 130kg, its head and tail are the same size. Its wings can be used to hunt. They eat mammals and corpses. Although they can't fly, they run very fast. After capturing the prey, the large crane used the strength of its wings to hold the bait and used it to tear the bait away.

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10. Giant kangaroo (Diprotodon)

40,000 years before humanity found Australia, Australia there were many large animals living. In it, the largest animal is the kangaroo, they have a hippopotamus-like body. Their food is leaves and grasses, they don't run fast, but their large bodies are enough for the hunters to step back.

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11. Glyptodon

Glyptodon is a mammal animal with an armor of skin, often called armor-wearing soldiers. The adult Glyptodon usually has a body of 4m long, the back is raised to 2.5m, the diameter of the ' iron armor ' is usually up to 2m to protect their bodies. We can say they have distant relatives with the Tatu species. Their bodies are similar to other shelled insects.

Glyptodon looks a bit like sea turtles, the shell is round because many pieces are put together. The strange thing is, there is a circle on the end of its tail. The tail is like a 1m long tube, the tail's circular structure protects them. Hiding in the hard shell and sharp tail like that, they avoided the enemy's attack. Glyptodon is a herbivorous mammal, they live in a new era, first appearing in South America.

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12. Rock claw animal (Moropus)

Moropus lived 10,000 years ago two thousand years ago in the Asian tropics, had distant relatives with horses, had bodies similar to today's horses, whose feet were shaped like stones and so called them Stone claw animal. Their heads are like horse heads, long necks, but their bodies look like bears.

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13. Mammoth (ancient elephant)

The mammoth image that appears in the "ice age" impresses people, people also know that mammoths live in the cold ice world.

Mammoths lived in the ice age in the northern hemisphere 10,000 years ago, mainly distributed in Wrangel Island in northern Siberia. Today intact mammoth mummies have been found in northern Siberia and the Alaska Peninsula in North America.

Mammoths are huge mammals that live in the cold, it has a body similar to elephants today, the only thing is that the mammoth tusks are long and curled like a canine, box. Very large skull. When looking at the side, its back is the highest part of the body, there is a clear concave in their neck, they have very long hair, they look like a hunchback.

Mammoths are very large, once considered the largest elephant in the world. The adults are 5m tall, 3m long, weigh 10 tons, they eat grass and leaves, can withstand harsh cold weather, they often live on high and cold highlands and hills. In the last years of the ice age, they no longer had the mammoth-like appearance but looked like a buffalo.

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