A series of terrifying and previously unrecorded monsters on Earth have appeared one after another, showing that the Earth and its complex evolutionary tree are still a huge

Try to find out why prehistoric animals possessed a much larger size than today's animals.

Mollisonia plenovenatrix is a special organism newly discovered by scientists.

Many small and gentle animals in the present, having children even raised as pets have had ancestors of giant beasts that terrify the ancient world.

A female shrimp egg, smaller than a grain of sand, can wait 10,000 years until it meets a suitable environment to hatch.

There have been many arguments that the revival of mammoths in the present world is unimaginable, but if we can revive these ancient animals, the benefits it brings will be

Marine scientists were stunned when they caught a 6-shark shark rarely seen on the Canadian seabed.

Today's animals like boars, sharks, crocodiles, are much smaller in weight than their extinct ancient relatives.

Scientists have discovered fossil footprints from about 247 to 248 million years ago in the Pyreness mountain range in Spain, which they claim is a previously unknown reptile.

Scientists have found the earliest tumor on Earth, occurring 255 million years ago in a giant and famous thirsty creature: Gorgonopsid.