139 new species were discovered in the Mekong region

Scientists have found 139 new species in the area along the Mekong River, in Southeast Asia. They discovered them during their expedition along the river in 2014. In particular, many species are facing extinction.

139 new species were found in the Mekong region

They include 90 species of plants, 23 reptiles, 16 species of amphibians, 9 species of fish and 1 species of bats. In it, there are many very unique creatures.

Picture 1 of 139 new species were discovered in the Mekong region
Bat species mosquito Hypsugo dolichodon in Laos and Vietnam - (Screenshot of Daily Mail)

Notably, mosquito bat Hypsugo dolichodon was discovered in Laos and Vietnam. The outstanding feature of this bat is its long fangs, which can peel hard shells covering large insects' bodies. Although there are scary teeth, the Hypsugo bat is under threat due to human dams and quarrying activities.

Scientists also found Ampulex dementor bees in Thailand, their favorite food is cockroaches. Ampulex has venom and uses this weapon to hunt. Venom attacks the nervous system and causes prey to lose control.

Picture 2 of 139 new species were discovered in the Mekong region
Ampulex dementor bee - (Daily Mail screenshot)

List of species listed in the "Magical Mekong" report of the International Fund for Nature Protection (WWF). These species are found in countries along the Mekong basin such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.

Although they have just been discovered, scientists have warned many new species are threatened with extinction. They are racing against time to gather information and call for protection, according to the Daily Mail.

Picture 3 of 139 new species were discovered in the Mekong region
Cyrtodactylus vilaphongi, the 10,000th reptile discovered by scientists

Since 1997, scientists have discovered 2,216 new species in the Mekong region. However, many species are being threatened with extinction due to habitat loss, poaching and illegal wildlife trade.