17 'truth' about the Earth and the universe is true but has been rejected by science

The sun is yellow, the Earth is spherical or nothing faster than light. It is just one of the "facts" common to Earth and the universe, we have been hearing for many years, trusting and sharing them. However, these "facts" have been rejected by science.

Business Insider correspondent talked with experts and scientific writers to discuss the mistakes about the Earth and the universe but still believe us. Below is a summary of the incorrect but very popular scientific information that should be removed immediately.

The sun is yellow

Picture 1 of 17 'truth' about the Earth and the universe is true but has been rejected by science
The Earth's atmosphere is the reason we think the Sun is yellow.

You can be sympathetic because not the only one who thinks the sun is yellow. However, the truth is that the sun's light is white.

The Earth's atmosphere is the reason we think the Sun is yellow. When light passes through the atmosphere, light waves of short wavelengths will be deflected and produce a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. This is also the reason why the sky is blue and the sunset is red.

In addition, solar work is classified by astronomers as "class G " stars , "gold dwarfs" , which have nothing to do with the colors we see from Earth.

The asteroid belt is very dangerous

In the film, we can see spacecraft flying through the dangerous asteroid belt area with blocks of stone that can rush at any time. However, this is not true in practice.

The asteroid belt, an area that is between 200 million and 300 million miles away from the sun, is an extremely desolate space.

In addition, if you pull all asteroids in the ring together, they only have the same mass as 4% of the moon. This is also the reason why NASA (American aerospace agency) feels excited every time they capture an asteroid colliding with another asteroid.

Going into space helps you become weightless

Most scientists agree that the universe starts at about 100 km above the ground. That's where the Earth's atmosphere becomes almost gone, ie, the vacuum environment.

However, going through this point does not create the magic that makes you become weightless. If you are on a rocket, you will feel gravity much larger than Earth. You will only feel weightless when you start landing.

Gravity exists everywhere in the universe. Flying around a planet means it still has to suffer from its gravity. The moon orbits the Earth, the Earth orbits the sun and the solar system orbits the galaxy, everything in the universe acts gravitationally.

If you are located 400 km away from the Earth, you will have to move at a speed of 27,743 km / hour to experience the feeling of free fall in a weightless environment. This is also the speed of the international space station ISS.

Nuclear weapons can destroy an asteroid

Picture 2 of 17 'truth' about the Earth and the universe is true but has been rejected by science
A scene from "Apocalypse", the film is about an attempt to save the Earth by throwing nuclear bombs on an asteroid.

Throwing a nuclear bomb at an asteroid cannot make it evaporate like on film.

Most asteroids are a large block of stone, so an explosion can only push it a little further. This is like shooting a gun bullet at a cannon bullet. It is not a good idea if you want to save the Earth.

However, some researchers believe that if a cleverly designed and well-planned nuclear attack could blow away part of the asteroid and push it away from the dangerous orbit of Earth .

Astrology can predict your personality and future

Is there no basis to predict the future by looking at the position of the sun, stars and moon at the time you were born?

Even so, these are what astrologers claim to be able to do and 2% of the world's population believes this.

However, surveys show that astrologers have repeatedly failed to make predictions based on signs of stars or horoscopes.

Most notable is a study published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature in 1985. Scientists tested the predictability of the leading American astrologer. Most of their predictions are inaccurate.

Earth is a perfect sphere

Picture 3 of 17 'truth' about the Earth and the universe is true but has been rejected by science
The shape of the Earth.

In fact, the Earth is slightly flattened at the two poles and swells to the area in the equator. Therefore, the Earth is not a perfect sphere. The true shape of the Earth is a spheroid.

The cause of this is due to the difference in centrifugal force on Earth. At the equator, Earth's rotation speed is 1,659 km / hour. However, if you go north or south, this speed will be slower and reach 1,257km / hour if standing in New York City (USA). This causes the rock in the Earth's heart to shift down to the equator and make our planet bulge in the middle.

Scientists also argue that the rise of the Earth is increasing due to climate change and melting of glaciers.

When you call, the signal will be transmitted to a satellite

In fact, the military often uses phones that receive satellites for missions in remote and remote areas. However, your mobile phone works in a completely different way.

Instead of satellite waves, your phone will emit wireless radio signals and constantly search to forward data to a mobile tower on the ground.

When you make a call, the nearest mobile tower will connect you to another phone through an extensive network of underground towers and cell towers.

Satellite signals can also be used to make international calls. However, 99% of worldwide communication data uses undersea cable systems.

The Great Wall is the only artificial work visible from the universe

What you see on Earth depends on where you are in the universe.

If you stand on the ISS International Space Station with a height of about 400 km above the ground, you will see the Great Wall and many other artificial buildings on Earth. Even if standing in the position of small satellites, flying near the Earth, you can see buildings like Apple's new headquarters.

However, if you stand on the moon, you will not be able to see any of the buildings on Earth. All you can see is the dim light of electricity in the big cities.

The cause of the tide is due to the gravitational pull of the moon pulling seawater up

This is only partially true. The truth behind the tide phenomenon is not just that simple.

The moon has a force on seawater, but that force is only 1 / 10,000,000 of the Earth's gravitational pull. In other words, it was true that the sea was pulled up by the moon. However, the force of the moon is too weak to cause tidal phenomena alone. In fact, the tide is the result of the gravitational interaction between the moon, the sun and the Earth.

Seawater at the poles is often pushed down by the gravity of the Earth. Meanwhile, the seawater near the moon will be subjected to the strongest attraction and the opposite part of the Earth on the other side will suffer the smallest attraction.

Together, these forces create pressure on seawater, steer them away from the pole and flow to the equator. From there, creating tidal phenomena.

The gravity of the sun also has certain effects on the tide. When the sun's gravity is opposite to the moon, it will create a "low tide" phenomenon. If the sun's gravity interacts with the moon, the "high tide" phenomenon will take place.

Small waters such as ponds and lakes do not have tidal phenomena because they do not have enough water to create pressure that can overcome the gravity of the Earth.

Jupiter orbits the Sun.

Picture 4 of 17 'truth' about the Earth and the universe is true but has been rejected by science
The center of Jupiter's center lies outside the Sun.

When a small object moves around a larger object, its orbit is not a perfect circle. The orbits of the two celestial bodies will have a common focal point that the scientific community calls "mind-centeredness". The mind-biting mind is always located near a larger object.

For a small planet the size of only 1 / 332,949 times the Sun like the Earth, the centipede center is very close to the center of the sun. This means we are revolving around the center of the sun.

However, Jupiter is a special case because it is the largest solar system and has twice the mass of other planets, moons, asteroids and comets. Because the mass is so large, the center of Jupiter's ratio is above and 48,000 km from the surface of the sun.

The moon has a dark side

The concept of the moon has a very popular dark side. This stems from the fact that we only observe one side of the moon from Earth, while the other side is not visible.

In fact, the entire moon is illuminated by the sun. However, the time when the moon flies around its axis coincides with the time when the moon flies along the Earth's axis. This makes us see only one side of the moon.

Summer is hot because the Earth is closer to the sun

When the summer comes in the northern hemisphere, that's not the time when the sun is closest to Earth. In fact, quite the opposite, the Earth lies at the farthest point in the summer.

So why is summer the hottest season of the year? The reason is because the Earth is tilted and the summer is the time when sunlight is projected most directly into the northern hemisphere or southern hemisphere.

The moon is quite close to Earth

Picture 5 of 17 'truth' about the Earth and the universe is true but has been rejected by science
The picture shows the distance between the Moon and the Earth.

In fact, the moon is more than 380,000 kilometers from Earth. That means that if you use a Boeing 747, you'll need 17 days to fly to the moon.

Nothing is faster than light

If unimpeded, light can travel at an exact speed of 299,792,458 m / sec. However, light will slow down if it passes through different substances. For example, light is 25% slower if going through water and 59% if going through diamonds. Particles such as electrons, neutrons or neutrinos can overcome the speed of light if passing through the same material.

What about light in a vacuum? The truth is that according to the Big Bang theory, the expansion of the universe has exceeded the speed of light. In addition, scientists also believe that quantum entangled particles can shift their position immediately, meaning far beyond the speed of light in space.

The universe is always cold

If you stand in the coldest place in the universe, the temperature may drop to more than -234 degrees Celsius. However, if you stand in space near the Earth and are being exposed to sunlight, the temperature may rise. That's 120 degrees C. That's why astronauts must wear white protective gear to reflect the light coming from the sun.

Physicist Enrico Fermi developed the Fermi paradox about the existence of aliens

After watching an animated film about flying saucers from the universe in 1950, physicist Enrico Fermi uttered the famous question "Where are everyone?" (Where everybody?). Many believe that this question was developed into the Fermi paradox of alien existence. Basically, according to the Fermi paradox, if there is life outside of the Earth, why can't we find them?

However, Fermi's question was to mention the feasibility of interplanetary travel, not about the existence of extraterrestrial beings, which he had never suspected.

Fermi's paradox as we know it today refers to the existence of aliens. However, this was only possible after astronomer Michael Hart and physicist Frank Tipler complemented the Fermi paradox from 1970 until the late 1980s.

" The Fermi paradox can be called the " Hart-Tipler argument about aliens' existence. " This name does not mention the author as the old name but is more fair to everyone." , astronomer Robert Gray said.

Only 3 types of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

If you think so, you've missed another form of material: plasma.

Snakes are the most common form of the universe when the planets are made of stone. However, the popularity of plasma is also no less when it appears on many stars, including the sun.

There are many different forms of matter in the universe, such as supercritical liquid appearing on the surface of Venus. However, solid, liquid, gas and plasma are still the four main forms of matter.