4 types of

Do you think, sneezing, restraining hygiene . can kill you?

The "fast" makes you easy to die soon

We can starve for a week, but fasting for only 2 days and will "lift" if we stop breathing for 5 minutes. But you know, there are those who "hold on" that seem to be nothing big, but the longer they are, the more dangerous you will be or even die.

1. Steady "go heavy"

This is probably the feeling many people have experienced. Many times you have chosen . fast, not at the school or public toilets on the grounds that these places are not very clean, or simply go home for . more comfortable.

But according to health experts, suppression of bowel movements can bring a lot of consequences to your body and even lead to death.

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Nothing comfortable by . timely .

Specifically, according to Amy Shira Teilet of Discovery News, it is okay to stop "heavy walking" a few times, because we must also hold on until . rest in the toilet.

But if this creates a habit, it is very dangerous, because it can cause our waste to dry out, unable to go through the "back door" and eventually lead to constipation. And the maximum time to stop "walking" until you meet the "constipation" guy is only 3 days.

When constipated, the parts of the body that are involved in the body's secretion can completely "forget" the way . bowel movements, or in other words you will no longer be able to have a bowel movement.

According to Dr. Kyle D. Staller of Massachusetts General Hospital (USA), unable to "go" means that you are poisoning your body , causing intestinal infection. If not handled soon, you may die.

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At the same time, the "output" is blocked, but the input continues to be active, creating pressure on the intestine. Staller said that this pressure affects the circulatory system, the ability of the heart to function . causing the body to weaken a lot.

Read here, do you still want to "go bad" again?

2. Steady "go light"

Compared to bowel movements, urination is obviously much easier to handle. But sometimes, we are still forced to challenge our bladder like when we are in school, or because . lazy to not stand up.

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However, according to health experts, the formation of a urinary habit can cause the bladder - the bag to contain urine - to be "broken" by bacteria stagnant in the urinary tract. Agglomerated deposits will form stones, making us extremely painful.

Not to mention, people with a history of high blood pressure, urination will increase blood pressure, heart palpitations, increased gastrointestinal oxygen, making them more susceptible to cerebral hemorrhage or heart attack, even sudden death.

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That's dangerous!

As for normal people, long urination can cause anemia in the brain, lower blood pressure, slow heart rate, and gradual blockage of blood vessels. In addition, long-term urination also causes urine-induced prostatitis to penetrate the tissues, and increase the rate of aging.

So how long can you keep urinating safe? As a record, a person can hold his or her urine for up to 30 hours before bacteria and toxins are present in the urine causing a serious infection. However, you should go as soon as possible because this process will take place immediately after your bladder is full.

3. Fasting . sneezing

Sounds . not very relevant, is it? But actually, sneezing can make you die.

Because of polite causes, many of us have tried to keep our sneezes off while we were in the middle of a meeting or when we were meeting important people. And the most common way is to squeeze the nose to prevent this.

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However, the air velocity is pushed out of the nose when sneezing falls in . 161km / h. When prevented, air pressure goes directly into the ear, causing some damage such as rupture of the eardrum, hearing loss, or prolonged dizziness.

In addition, the blood vessels in the eye may break when you stop sneezing as the eyeball is bulging.

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More seriously, in the most extreme cases, the pressure from holding a large sneeze can cause a sudden increase in blood pressure, causing a broken blood vessel, leading to stroke and death.

4. Fast . move

In today's society, most of us are doing desk work - things that are typical of sitting . all day. But even when we go home, we "stop" moving and choose to rest and watch TV.

This is not good at all. According to the latest studies, those who sit on 11h / day increase by 40% the risk of premature death compared to those who sit less than 4 hours.

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This way, why are you fat .

Specifically, once you sit down, the amount of enzymes that help break down fat decreases by 90%. The amount of hormone insulin - which helps us convert sugar into energy also decreases. What is increased is blood pressure and pressure on the cervical spine.

So have you concluded?Sitting a lot will put you at risk of obesity, diabetes, scoliosis and heart weakness. Consequently, you will . die early, so exercise more.