40 interesting facts about monkeys that you don't know yet

In the Year of the Monkey, what do you know about the monkey? Please refer to the article summarizing the facts about this very interesting monkey species!

Picture 1 of 40 interesting facts about monkeys that you don't know yet

1. The origin of the word " monkey " is unclear. It may stem from the word "Moneke", the name of Martin Ape 's son in a story about medieval animals. It is also related to dwarves, from the Netherlands as " Manneken ".

2. Currently there are 264 monkey species.

3. Monkeys can be divided into two groups, the old monkeys live in Africa and Asia, and the new world monkeys live in South America.

4. A baboon is a former world monkey, while a small monkey is a new world monkey.

5. Some monkeys live on the ground, while others live on trees. Different monkeys eat foods like fruits, insects, flowers, leaves and reptiles.

6. Most monkeys have tails.

7. The world's youngest monkey species of monkeys with adult males weigh between 120 and 140 grams. While the world's largest monkey species, adult male monkeys weigh up to 35 kg.

8. Capuchin monkeys are arguably one of the smartest new world monkeys. They have the ability to use tools, learn new skills and have different signs of self-awareness.

9. Monkey understands the meaning of bias. They also know how to consider things better than others, but are not affected by social and economic standards.

10. To communicate, monkeys use facial expressions, sounds and body movements.

Picture 2 of 40 interesting facts about monkeys that you don't know yet

11. The brain structure of monkeys and humans is similar. New studies have revealed that human brains have many similarities to monkeys. Monkey brains are also used to control language and complex thoughts, the way our brains handle problems is the same.

12. Monkeys express sympathy and affection with their fellow humans by grooming each other.

13. Trees, grasslands, mountains, forests and high plains are the most popular places where monkeys live.

14. Monkeys carry hepatitis, tuberculosis, and herpes B virus .

11. Most monkeys eat both plants and animals, some monkeys also eat dirty things.

12. Monkeys in the new world have 36 teeth, while the old monkeys have 32 teeth.

14. South American monkey Titi lives monogamous. They become miserable when one dies. They show affection by kissing their lips, cuddling, holding hands, grooming each other.

15. The biggest monkeys are the howling monkeys , their howls can be heard about three miles in an open area and two miles in the forest. They spend 80% of their time resting.

16. The language of monkeys is as complex as human language. A new study has shown that the language of monkeys is more complex than we thought. Complex monkey language is similar to human language, and there are many variations. Monkeys can use simple sounds to create complex sentences.

17. Monkey Red Colobus and Olive Colobus monkey are chased by humans and chimpanzees to eat meat.

18. Monkey squirrels can emit more than 20 different sounds

19. By urinating on the lower level, the male monkey asserts his dominance.

Picture 3 of 40 interesting facts about monkeys that you don't know yet

20. The proboscis monkey is voted the ugliest animal on the planet, it stands in the third bad position. With a stomach as big as a pot because their stomach is divided into several compartments, each compartment contains a different enzyme to digest food. Because the leaves are not rich in nutrients, the monkey uses the whole day to pick up the leaves to fill their many stomachs, which makes the abdomen even bigger.

21. The big nose with a length of up to 18 cm is a tool for monkey to flirt with females. Thanks to this nose, proboscis monkeys can emit echoing sounds for hundreds of miles.

22. New world monkey, no thumb, including spider monkey, squirrel monkey.

23. There are 81 new world monkey species in the Amazon basin in 2008 but new species continue to be discovered.

24. Old world monkey has big cheek pouch, cheek pouch helps them to eat quickly and store food and swallow it later.

25. 96, is the number of monkeys in the old world.

26. Monkeys don't eat shells of bananas .

27. Monkey is easy to distinguish from gibbons. The monkey has the tail, the gibbons are not.

28. Monkey spider has an unusual tail, its tail can hold the weight of the whole body.

29. Don't try to touch a monkey, they don't like it and can attack you.

30. Monkeys are smart animals with an IQ of 174.

Picture 4 of 40 interesting facts about monkeys that you don't know yet

31. Generic origins with humans. In the past, there were many views that monkeys were ancestors of humans. This view has been controversial in both scientific and religious circles. But so far, scientists have reaffirmed that monkeys and humans are only of the same origin and belong to the primates . In it, chimpanzees - believed to be the most human beings - appeared with the Old World monkey family 25 million years ago.

32. Monkeys are " great food"! In Asian countries, monkey meat is considered a "great supplement" food to help promote positive and tonic blood. In Oriental medicine, physicians also use monkey bones to cook high, treat many diseases, but today the true effect of monkey meat is still the controversial topic of medicine.

33. Monkey is a great supporter of humans. In Thailand, people in Surat Thani province, a coastal province, have created a unique way of harvesting coconut. They train the monkeys to take care of this task. Monkey is taught very well to avoid ropes and how to identify ripe fruits.

34. The monkey is worshiped as " Monkey god ". In Indian religious culture there is a famous monkey god named Hanuman , with the weapon of a fruit, the symbol of courage. Hanuman is a central figure in two of India's great and famous epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.

35. Copyright war of a " selfie " picture of a monkey. The Wikimedia website rejected a photographer's request to remove a photo he claimed had been used online without permission, citing a copyrighted photo belonging to a monkey.

36. Bonono monkeys are often referred to as " indiscriminate sex gorillas ". In this monkey species, females use sex for many purposes: to reduce stress, resolve conflict and even to form female alliances to fight males.

Picture 5 of 40 interesting facts about monkeys that you don't know yet

37. Flat-nosed monkeys in Myanmar have the smallest number of individuals. This monkey is able to predict storms very well, because they are often . sneezed when inhaling rainwater. However, this happens often because their flat nose is . upturned.

38. The monkey, officially called Presbytis hosei canicrus , is listed on the list of animals in danger by the International Union for Nature Conservation, due to the loss of habitat for agricultural development activities mines, forest fires and due to excessive hunting. It is believed that this monkey only lives in the forest, in northeast Borneo, adjacent to Indonesia's Java island.

39. Monkey can remember facial recognition . Studies show that humans and monkeys have facial recognition capabilities. Monkeys use overall processes to identify a face.

40. Monkey has the ability to recall memories . Studies have shown that monkeys are capable of recalling memories like humans. Scientists have taken the monkeys to the test and concluded that the monkeys have memory equivalent to human memory.