5 silly predictions about the Middle Ages Day

The predictions about this Apocalypse of course did not happen!

During the Middle Ages, not many scholars or people had made predictions about the Apocalypse but humorously, it had not once fulfilled. Not only that, these predictions also cause many people to die unjustly .

1. Earth ends 800 years

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Beatus was a Spanish monk, born in 730. 40 years old, he published a book that deciphered the mysteries of Revelation and the works of the prophet Daniel. In it, he predicted that the world would end in 800.

Of course, the world did not end as Beatus had expected, but this book created an unprecedented fear of the time. Everywhere, people go to church more often, do good deeds regularly to hope for salvation.

At the same time, in his book, Beatus also describes a mysterious continent, where the disciples can be safe during the Apocalypse. Therefore, many people have sailed into the sea with the desire to find the Holy Land and then many of them had to die unjustly.

2. The Apocalypse came in 847

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In 847, a strange woman found herself in Carolingian court in Mainz, Germany. She claimed to have met the gods and had them show the future of humanity: It was a bloody end. More frightening, the time when this will happen is the end of the year - year 847.

This woman is called Thiora, and she speaks attractively as a speaker who makes the people extremely religious and trusting. They began to bring her money and gifts, and the clergy members began to follow her "teaching" to live through the Apocalypse. But even after the end of the year, nothing happened.

Thiora then admitted that all the divine knowledge she said was fabricated. Finally, the bishops gave her death sentence by dropping a dam.

3. Using the Apocalypse to revolt in 1525

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Muentzer is a missionary who propagates the Apocalypse in a very personal way. He always called on the people in Germany to stand up against the ruling class because "they are the demons who take on humanity."

According to him, these people will bring humanity to the doom in 1525. Muentzer then gathered more than 8,000 farmers to rebel against the German nobility.

He told the insurgents that they were blessed by the Lord and this was a battle for the future of mankind. On the day of the battle, a rainbow appeared, Muentzer pointed at him and shouted, this is the sign God has come.

But at the end of the day, more than 5,000 insurgents died and Muentzer was arrested while hiding under the bed in the house. He was tortured by the government, and beheaded for heresy and treason.

4. Borrow the Apocalypse to fight the church

Michael Servetus was born in 1511 as a Spanish. He is a theologian, a scholar and a talented medical doctor.

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Throughout this talented human life, he studied various disciplines such as mathematics, cosmology, geography, philosophy of philosophy, medicine, pharmacy and the Bible. As for the Bible field, he is known for making predictions about the Apocalypse.

Servetus wrote that people are moved by the grace of God, but there is always evil beside God. They are the . priests of the church - priests who have taken advantage of people's faith to atone. He also wrote, all the popes were the embodiment of Satan and brought unhappiness to humanity.

Servetus predicts, without change, the archangel Micae will appear in 1585 to destroy the Earth in order to destroy all evil beings on the planet.

Of course, the Earth does not perish. The prophecy of Servetus comes primarily from the wrath of the church in the possession of so much power and wealth. In the end, he was arrested and executed by the Catholic Church on charges of evil cult.

5. Using astrology to predict Apocalypse in 1789

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Pierre d'Ailly was an astrologer born in France in 1350. Although he was passionate about science, he was a very religious person himself.

He calculated the movement of stars and predicted future events based on the motion of the planet. Including Earth's Apocalypse through the movements of Saturn and Jupiter.

Calculating Pierre d'Ailly, Apocalypse will appear on Earth in 1789. He presented his findings to the Pope.

D'Ailly's with his Apocalypse was quickly popular despite many scholars denying the prediction. His prophecy influenced many famous people of the time including Christopher Columbus, who found America. But in the end, the Earth remains peaceful until now.