60 years ago how big 5MB hard drive?

In September 1956, IBM released 305 RAMAC, the first supercomputer to have a hard drive (HDD). This hard drive weighs more than 1 ton and stores 5MB of data.

How much does the first supercomputer have a 5MB hard drive?

Picture 1 of 60 years ago how big 5MB hard drive?

Since then, science and technology have made great leaps and bounds. Currently HDD is as small and light as notebooks but can store up to several TB (1TB equal to 1 million MB) of data. However, HDD drives are gradually being replaced by high-speed SSDs .

For your convenience, compare the weight of the HDD on your computer to 305 RAM with some objects. Weighing more than 1 ton, this HDD is as heavy as an adult Hippo. If compared to the iPhone 6s just launched, weighing 143g, this hard drive weighs more than 6,344 times.

305 RAMAC used by the US Navy and automobile manufacturers. In 1961, this model was killed. It officially became obsolete in 1962 when IBM 1405 Disk Storage Unit for IBM 1401 was introduced. In 1969, 305 RAMAC were revoked.