A series of monstrous planets with clouds ... aluminum and titanium rain

A team of scientists from Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States has discovered unusual forms of hot Jupiters outside the Solar System - giant, deadly planets, clouds and metallic rain.

Research published in Nature Astronomy looked at the atmospheres of many distant, giant exoplanets and orbits extremely close to their parent stars and believed that there was a special form of clouds that dominated the skies of gas planets. giant: they are made up of condensed droplets of silicon and oxygen, like molten quartz or molten sand; aluminum oxide; iron oxide, titanium oxide .

Picture 1 of A series of monstrous planets with clouds ... aluminum and titanium rain
The giant, hot, cloudy and metallic planets may be far more common than we think - (photo courtesy of Internet)

In particular, the hottest exoplanets will own mainly aluminum oxide and titanium oxide in the upper cloud layer; while the other planets are still hot but less "hell" will have silicate clouds.

To reach the clouds made of aluminum oxide and titanium oxide, the hot Jupiter's atmosphere must have a minimum of 2,200 degrees Celsius and rain there, too: will not rain water as Earth, which is the n day melting and molten titanium falling!

What is more surprising is that a planet with metal rain may be more common than thought. According to Dr. Peter Gao from the University of California at Berkeyley (USA), the lead author of the study, star systems with only one mother star and an extremely close "hot Jupiter" are increasingly being found. These hot Jupiters are 13.9 times larger than the Solar System Jupiter.

Rain with water like the Earth, may be rare in the universe.

Recently, a number of planets with metal rain have been discovered, most recently WASP-79b, which according to a study published in May 2020, has iron oxide cloud and iron rain.