A team of scientists from Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States has found unusual forms of hot Jupiters outside the Solar System - giant, deadly planets, clouds and

Scientists say the dead planets may be sending signals we can get on Earth.

Mercury is the solar system's innermost planet, it is a giant stone sphere with an ugly arid surface. However, with the recent findings of scientists, it is not a dead planet, but

The vast solar system hides undiscovered things, especially its harshness, from storms with wind speeds of thousands of kilometers per hour, to geographic regions with temperatures

Scientists from Columbia said that some planets have quite similar conditions to Earth, but they are still dead planets because these planets do not have protective shields, so

When a star dies, its outer layers are gradually evaporated, leaving a hot nucleus called White dwarf - a celestial body created when stars are low and medium.

Although it is considered geologically dead planet, Mercury was very excited by the activity of numerous volcanoes on the surface a few billion years ago.

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