Africa is strong enough to

Africa can easily "swallow" every major country on Earth, both China, India, the United States and most of Europe.

New graphic images introduced by German computer designer Kai Krause show the possibility of "cramming" large territory territories into the black continent.

Picture 1 of Africa is strong enough to
"Amazing" graphic map of Africa - (Photo: Kai Krause / IO9)

In the case of cropping, Africa can accommodate up to 13 countries, including the United States, China, India, and even Eastern Europe.

England is also on this graphic, in the location of Madagascar, according to

Overall, Africa has an area of ​​more than 30 million square kilometers.

However, the new graphic image shows that its size is not accurately reflected on standard Mercator maps that are often used to map countries, because countries in the center of the continent look small. more than their actual size.

According to Krause designer, the accuracy was discarded to choose the neat and straightforward map.

In the map are new graphics, Africa is larger than the combined area of ​​the US, China, India, Mexico, Peru, France, Spain, Papua New Guinea, Sweden, Japan, Germany, Norway, Italy , New Zealand, England, Nepal, Bangladesh and Greece.