After death will people really become ghosts?

In Buddhism, it is often said that after a person dies, if they do not transcend into a god, they will generally become a spirit. Now when we talk about transcending the spirit, we must first understand the nature of the soul .

The subject of life, after the body has died, is called the spirit (soul). In folklore, people often have the concept that after death, people are ghosts , and will forever be ghosts, but in Buddhism we will never accept such a concept, otherwise we would not be able to mention the two words "deliverance".

Buddhism recognizes that the mortal world of living beings includes 6 paths: heaven, human, Asura, ghost, animal (such as cow, horse, ants, mosquito and other animals) and hell. In these 6 paths, people are born and die, die and are born again, called the 6 paths of reincarnation . Therefore, after people die, there is a 1/6 chance that they will become ghosts. Buddhism can help people liberate and transcend the cycle of birth and death of reincarnation, which is what people call salvation .

But usually after death, in addition to extremely cruel people who are immediately sent to hell, extremely good people will also go to heaven, and as for ordinary people who do not have enough virtue, they will be reincarnated immediately. The soul that has not been reincarnated is not a ghost, but in Buddhism it is called 'the body of friends' or 'the body of the underworld' , it is a type of body that is in the process of waiting to be reincarnated after death , many people often mistakenly call these negative people ghosts, in fact, it is a type of spiritual energy that exists and is attached to a very small amount of body gas, not a ghost .

Picture 1 of After death will people really become ghosts?
A soul that has not reincarnated is not a ghost.

The period of time in the yin body is usually 49 days, during which one waits for the opportunity to reincarnate to ripen. Therefore, during this seven times seven days of the deceased, if their relatives and friends do good Buddhist deeds, it will bring about a great effect. For example, giving the deceased's favorite treasures to Buddhism, helping the sick and poor, and also adding that it is to accumulate a certain amount of merit for the deceased so that they can be reborn in a better place.

Therefore, Buddhism advocates the salvation of the deceased, preferably within a period of seven times seven days. If during this period one performs Buddhist activities, it is of course still useful, but it only helps increase their blessings, and cannot change the place where they are reincarnated.

Suppose there is a person who committed many evil deeds while alive, and in the next life what awaits him is to be reincarnated as a cow or a pig. Within 49 days of his death, if the deceased's family members or friends do many Buddhist activities for him, and at the same time during this waiting period, they can hear the chanting of sutras by monks, thereby learning some Dharma principles, feeling repentant and immediately turning their minds towards goodness, then he can be exempted from being a cow or a pig and be reborn as a human. If he was born in a herd of pigs or cows, and then because he did many good deeds in Buddhism, it can only improve the living conditions of the cow or pig, because of which he has a rich diet, does not have to work hard, and even reduces the pain of being killed by a knife, and is released by people. If he is born in the human world, then he will have good health, be loved by family and friends, and have a successful and smooth career. If they are liberated to the Western Paradise, then it can also cause their lotus layer to increase, and they will soon become a Buddha.

All wealth, fame, status, all are external manifestations. Virtue is the foundation, the saying 'after virtue, return material' is not wrong at all. Why, after learning about traditional Chinese culture, can one easily achieve wealth? Because more virtue can be converted into more material, a rich lady must be a rich lady.

In short, from ancient times until now, in the common people or in temples and monasteries, there are people who are cultivating, truly cultivating. And if you can truly cultivate to perfection, the three realms will have no way to tolerate you and you will have transcended it. To attain fruition, or to become a god, Buddha or Tao, no longer having to suffer in the cycle of reincarnation, this is a goal that we should pursue. We cannot waste our lives, but must strive to find our true nature, that is the way to be human !