Amazing discovery of the human body

If you break the tip of your finger, if the joint is close to it still intact, your fingers will regrow. The surface area of ​​the lungs is as big as a tennis court.

>>>26 extremely special things about the human body

If you think you already know everything about yourself, think again. Our bodies are hiding a lot of secrets.

- You can see more clearly in low light environment thanks to peripheral vision.

- You can kill others when stepping on their feet. If you step hard enough, you will break the bones in that person's feet.

- Whenever your eyes move because you have to focus on looking at something, your brain will automatically erase the faint faint memories around. Because we look around so many times a day, the brain must erase about 45 minutes a day.

Picture 1 of Amazing discovery of the human body

- There are many times your body is at risk of cancer. But when the cell is about to reach the stage of cancer, it will commit suicide so as not to damage other cells.

- All of the blood in our body passes through our kidneys 65 times a day.

- People are the champion of long-distance running in the animal world.

- When a pregnant woman has seizures or a heart attack, the fetus sends stem cells to the mother to help recover damaged cells.

- A baby's body is more than 60 bones than an adult.

- The surface area of ​​the human lung is equal to a tennis court.

- When your face touches water at temperatures below 21 degrees C, the body will automatically activate the natural reflexes of mammals. It is a diving reflex, slows the heart rate and accumulates blood to the upper body.

- Without mucus, your stomach will digest itself.

- Human thigh bone is 4 times stronger than concrete.

- Your nose and ears will continue to develop throughout your life. This is why older people often have larger noses and ears.

- Kidneys are extremely productive. The kidney is capable of filtering 95% of the blood in the blood for reuse and 99% of the salt. In addition, the kidneys can filter 80 liters of blood each day.

- If you accidentally cut off the fingertip, as long as the joint is close to it intact, the finger will grow back.

Picture 2 of Amazing discovery of the human body

- Infants are stronger than a bull, calculated by weight.

- There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain, close to the number of stars in the galaxy.

- You can remove up to 70% of the liver and it will completely recover.

- Your brain makes a decision of 7 seconds before you realize it.

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