Animals have morning sickness like humans?

Many animals during pregnancy also show similar signs to what our pregnant women have to go through. Even so, until now, there has been no official study to determine whether pregnant animals have true morning sickness.

According to research by Cornell University evolutionary biologists, the phenomenon of nausea and vomiting that two-thirds of women experience during pregnancy may be how the mother's body protects the fetus from Food-related chemicals and illnesses, which can be a potential threat to the growing bodies of children. Veterinary experts note that many pregnant animals also exhibit natural aversion to potentially hazardous foods.

Picture 1 of Animals have morning sickness like humans?
Pregnant dogs are expected to experience a period of lying down before giving birth. (Photo: CTV)

However, Ann Hohenhaus, a veterinarian at the New York Animal Health Center, said: "It is not assumed that mammals such as dogs and cats are sick with morning sickness. What information describes in detail the condition of morning sickness during the reproduction of dogs and cats ".

Hohenhaus further explained that, when dogs and cats become pregnant, their ovaries will produce high amounts of progesterone pregnancy hormones , causing them to lie down, secrete milk and be alert to toys or objects like protection of newborn babies.

Locality refers to a strong urge, making a pregnant mother sometimes feel obliged to clean, decorate and prepare a warm home to welcome her new baby. Scientists believe that part of the pregnancy hormone causes this phenomenon. Many animals, including dog squirrels and rabbits, will enter the nesting stage before they give birth.