Animals 'love to die' are included in the Red Book

In the animal kingdom, reproduction can be a dangerous and special game, especially with the Australian antechinus marsupial - a species literally.

According to scientists, every mating season, male antechinus will "commit suicide" by having sex for many hours until exhaustion and death.

Picture 1 of Animals 'love to die' are included in the Red Book
Antechinus species have the characteristic of "suicide" by having sex.

Accordingly, during the short breeding period, the male antechinus will mate with as many females as possible, sometimes lasting 14 hours. Now scientists must include them in the Red Book to protect.

According to the Australian newspaper, the two black-tailed antechinus and silver antechinus species are now officially listed as Australia's most endangered species.

They were discovered in 2013, are two of the 15 antechinus species in Australia. Scientists warn that if they are not helped, they may become extinct.

"These two species were discovered on misty peaks. They may have escaped there due to the warming climate, and now they have nowhere to go," said Dr. Andrew Baker of Queensland University of Technology. .

"Australia has the worst rate of extinct animals on the earth. We must act, so I agree when the Australian Government approves antechinus on the list of endangered species and puts their protection and many other species in. federal law ".