Are you washing your hair the right way or killing your hair?

Many people simply think that washing their hair is just going to the bathroom "flushing" a chilled water, apply a bit of shampoo, take the scalp rake nails and "up" add a dipper to finish. If you think so, maybe you are killing your hair.

Today, just go to Google or Youtube, you can learn countless secrets to have clean, healthy hair. However, with such a large amount of information, you may be puzzled when you don't know how to wash your hair or wash your hair in the opinion of whoever is best.

Picture 1 of Are you washing your hair the right way or killing your hair?

Basically each person has a different way of care, so you have to learn carefully about which hair care is best for yourself. Here are some tips for how to wash your hair properly.

How many times should a shampoo be considered?

Many people have a habit of washing their hair daily, but it is not really necessary, it is even harmful when the scalp is constantly receiving chemicals.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is recommended that depending on the type of hair and scalp, the number of washes should be adjusted accordingly.

  1. If your scalp and hair are oily, you should bathe, wash regularly, and even wash your hair daily to reduce the oily hair.
  2. For dyed or chemically treated hair (stamping, pressing), your hair is already very dry, so it is better to limit shampoo.
  3. When "old" a bit, the amount of oil on the scalp is also reduced. So the number of washes will decrease over time.
  4. Curly hair is usually drier than straight hair so don't wash your hair daily when you have curly hair.

There is an effective way for you to know whether your number of washes is appropriate for your scalp is to check if your hair appears?

If dandruff occurs, it means your hair and scalp are not very clean. Even if your hair is dry or frizzy, oily skin needs cleaning at least once a week.

Picture 2 of Are you washing your hair the right way or killing your hair?

How to wash your hair properly?

Men are very easy, but for women it is extremely difficult to take care of their hair. Long hair always makes women feel annoyed, losing time both in washing and taking care of later.

However, it is acceptable to want healthy and shiny hair.

According to hairstylists, the first thing you do when washing your hair is not to flush the water, but to incubate your hair. First, straighten the hair out, because if you comb it when it is wet, it may cause a break. For curly hair, you can wet it before brushing, but only with your hand. Then incubate the hair with coconut oil for 15 minutes.

The next step is to wet the hair - or simply . flush the water - and shampoo. Note to use a moderate amount of shampoo, because all shampoo when exposed too long is not good for hair. Using too much will lose the beneficial mucus and lipid needed to protect the hair from dryness and breakage.

Rinse thoroughly with water and use conditioner (depending on hair type). A healthy hair does not need to use conditioner after every shampoo. For dry, permed and dyed hair, the use of conditioner is necessary.

In particular, note that conditioner only uses on hair, it should not be exposed directly to the scalp.

Finally, dry your hair. According to stylists, it is best to let your hair dry naturally. But if you don't have time, remember that don't use a thick towel to clean your hair. The weakest time of hair is when the hair is wet, so rubbing it like that will cause damage to the hair, resulting in a breakage.

Instead, use a soft, thin towel, or even use a clean font to clean your hair. The softer the better the hair is. Remember to gently dry your hair instead of using too much force on your hair.