Astonishing intelligence of crows

The story of crows and water jars has become a source of inspiration for scientists to carry out a series of experiments to verify the intelligence of this bird.

Classified as the planet's most intelligent animal, crows are the only non-primate species that can create and use working tools.

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In the six experiments on the movement of water levels, crows proved to be the worst with a case of interconnected U-shaped vessels - (

Many scientific studies published widely in science and media for 10 years have proved the potential brain of animals attached to this bad luck.

In many experiments, people saw crows using sticks to hook food out of reach, bending thin metal rods to make tools even though they had never been exposed before.

And to lure crows to get food, scientists set up an 8-step system, proofing crows that could solve complicated problems in the correct order.

Crows are thought to be able to understand the analogy of thinking - an element of high intelligence.

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Crows break straight metal to create tools to get food inside the tube - (Photo: Oxford University team).

Sharing in the New York Times, the team at the University of Washington (USA) concluded that the raven could remember the bad guys and share the danger with their offspring and herds.

The crow has a smart mind and good memory, remembering some typical details such as the appearance of the bad guys, the method of action, even after 1 month and 2 years later, the crow rate in the old memorization experiment double. In groups, observation is a way for this species to learn to adapt.

Meanwhile, Kevin J. McGowan, a researcher at Cornell Lab in New York, has been trapping and making crows for 20 years. He said that after releasing them, he was often clung to by the people he had lost; on the contrary, he was also harassed by individuals who were imprisoned by him.

The ruthlessness of crows has also been studied in a number of other experiments when they fly over land that has been hunted, and the whole herd will change its flight formation. Occasionally, people see crows forming a "trial" where the crow crowds around and judges an "offender" individual, such as stealing the crow's food.

In 2014, research on crows and water jars was recreated from the perspective of scientists at Cambridge University (England) and Auckland University (New Zealand).

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The crows in New York are marked for experiments in remembering and recognizing human faces - (Photo: Kevin J. McGowan).

With many options, the experimental New Caledonian crow preferred to select stones to drop into the jar instead of sand, choose submerged solid objects instead of hollow objects floating on the face; Crows drop into pots with higher water levels instead of lower water tanks.

From those behaviors, scientists conclude that crows can understand the cause-effect relationship, predicting how the world moves.

However, crows are less aware of two water bottles of different diameters and the case of each other. Since then, the New Caledonian crow's conclusions team has a sophisticated but incomplete cognitive ability of movement, equivalent to a 5-7 year old child.

Some other interesting random observations such as crows will not hide their food if you keep staring.

In some big cities, people also see crows dropping nuts into lanes to separate shells. They watched the traffic lights and swooped down to pick up the nuts when the pedestrian signal turned green .