There are 8 types of intelligence and everyone owns at least 2 types

Now there is no need to use assessments to test IQ, we can easily recognize what kind of intelligence we possess in a quality, much simpler.

Dr. Howard Gardner - a psychologist and professor of neuroscience at Harvard University, studied and published a theory of " Multiple Intelligences " (MI). He made the remark: "We can easily measure intelligence by multiple-choice quizzes or answers thanks to Multi-Intelligence theory. Including 8 different types of intelligence reflecting ways of interaction. And everyone has at least a unique blend of two types to more and more between these types of intelligence. "

Picture 1 of There are 8 types of intelligence and everyone owns at least 2 types
We can easily measure intelligence by multiple-choice tests.

1. Smart about space

Space-wise people have the ability to conceptualize and manipulate well in large-scale spatial disciplines such as pilots, sailors, or simpler regional forms of space such as architects, chess player .

2. Smart about music

These are people who are always inspired and rhythmic with rhythm, melody and timbre. They have the ability to sing, play musical instruments or compose music like musicians and singers.

3. Smart language

People of this type are always sensitive to the meaning of words, order between words, sounds, rhythms, rhymes such as writers, poets, journalists, editors.

4. Intelligence in movement

People with intelligence about physical activity can learn and skillfully use parts of their arms, legs skillfully, or the whole body to solve problems or create products like dancers, artisans make pottery, porcelain, or circus.

5. Smart about communication

These people are always able to connect, integrate well with others, easily catch emotions, moods and initiative in their relationships, these people can be psychologists, talkers judge.

Picture 2 of There are 8 types of intelligence and everyone owns at least 2 types

6. Mathematical intelligence

Those who are logically mathematical will always be able to conceptualize the relationship between actions or symbols logically like mathematicians or scientists.

7. Intellectually smart

This group of people is quite sensitive to their own emotions and goals. We can say they are good at developing their own strengths. These people do not show up in a particular career, but they can make their own decisions in the future, and always accept to face its results whether good or bad.

8. Intelligence in natural science

These people are able to distinguish the implications, the impact of all things on the natural environment. They love to explore, and always learn about nature, like to do the jobs that are attached to nature.