More slender, smarter ... You can achieve two things at the same time thanks to a remedy that doesn't need a doctor to prescribe - an egg.

A recent study by the Medical Research Council (MRC) found that people with lower IQs had a higher risk of heart disease and death.

The intelligence of children is formed primarily by the family environment, not by the amount of DHA in breastmilk or enriched formula.

Eating lots of high-magnesium foods such as spinach, broccoli (cauliflower), can help us increase brain memory and memory.

If your child does not sit still for 10 minutes, or wiggles or wiggles to make you sometimes irritable, then your child is in the best group ...

The habit of sun exposure not only helps us be smarter when we get older, but also helps older people prevent memory impairment.

The high rates of morning sickness may be reassuring to know that nausea during pregnancy is a sign that your baby will have a high IQ, according to a study in the UK.

Girls who eat a lot of omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish) are superior to those who eat a lot of omega-6 fatty acids (found in oil, margarine), a new study reveals.

A new study led by Swiss postdoctoral researcher Susanne M. Jaeggi and Martin Buschkuehl at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, suggests that at least one aspect of a person's

For more than 200 years, scientists have been constantly trying to find the relationship between brain and intelligence.