Eat eggs - weight decreases, intellect increases

More slender, smarter . You can achieve two things at the same time thanks to a remedy that doesn't need a doctor to prescribe - an egg.

Picture 1 of Eat eggs - weight decreases, intellect increases

The egg has a lot of body-strengthening effects if used properly.Photo:

In the past, many studies often laid out 'crimes' of eggs such as increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Perhaps that only happens when eating too much. Currently, there are evidence that people who eat an omelette, boil or blanch a half-half live on breakfast compared to eating a loaf of bread, receive the same amount of calories - but the eggs are balanced in nutrition and protein, so we feel fuller longer.

But not only that. Eggs are also good for the brain because they contain a trace element called selenium, which helps memory and acumen in thinking. Tests on memory and cognition have been performed: an elderly person who receives at least 55 micrograms (mcg) of selenium a day can memorize facts that are equivalent to at least 10 younger people. year old. Just eat an egg (14 mcg selenium) plus a toast (another 10 mcg contained in the wheat flour) that you've got almost half of the above selenium.

If you can repeat it every morning, there will be a slender body, a clear mind.

Source: HealthDay