How to eat eggs correctly?

Protein is an important component of building body cells. Hair and nails are mainly formed from proteins. The body also uses proteins to organize and repair tissues.

Diets with lean pork, chicken, beans and tofu provide plenty of protein. In particular, eggs are an excellent source of protein, and are easily combined with everyday foods.

The average egg contains about 6-7 g of protein, according to Healthline. The amount of protein depends on the size of the egg. Some large eggs can contain up to 13 g of protein.

Protein is found in both white and egg yolk. The yolk has less protein than white, in return contains almost all nutrients and fat. In addition to protein, eggs are also rich in vitamin D, A, B2, B12, folate and iodine. Therefore eating the whole egg is most beneficial for your health.

Picture 1 of How to eat eggs correctly?
Protein is found in both white and egg yolk.

So how many eggs are eaten per day?

According to NHS, there is no limit to the number of eggs that people should eat. However, experts say one person can eat 2-3 eggs a day."Eating up to three eggs a day is perfectly safe for healthy people," Healthline quoted one expert as saying.

How much protein supplement is good every day?

Alexandra Miller, a dietitian, says proteins help you feel fuller longer, repair muscle tissue and increase your body's energy levels."Protein needs are based on body weight. Approximately 0.4 g of protein per pound (0.45 kg) in women. Men can increase a bit," Alexandra told PopSugar.

If you are planning to lose weight, a health professional advises a 50% increase in your daily protein intake. To lose weight, you eat 0.54 to 0.68 g of protein a day for every pound of weight.

And should raw or cooked eggs be eaten?

A recent study published in the US National Library of Medicine, study participants added 90% of protein from cooked eggs, compared to only 50% of raw egg protein. In addition, eating raw eggs increases the risk of food poisoning. Boiled is the healthiest way to eat eggs. In addition, you can cook by frying, frying, steaming eggs . for more diverse dishes.