Quite eggs are better than chicken eggs

Quail eggs have more vitamins and minerals than chicken eggs. In particular, high quality tyrosine and phosphorus, which helps to nourish and strengthen the gentleman's effectiveness.

Each quail egg weighs about 10-12g, 4-5 times smaller than chicken eggs. But vitamin A in an egg quails more in chicken eggs 2.5 times. B1 and B2 levels were also higher, respectively 2.8 and 2.2 times. Phosphorus, calcium, iron in eggs quail 5 times higher than chicken eggs.

In addition, quail eggs are also rich in substances like copper, cobalt, niacin and essential amino acids. Tyrosine is a nutrient capable of making skin healthy. Therefore, quail eggs are also used in the cosmetics manufacturing industry.

Picture 1 of Quite eggs are better than chicken eggs

High levels of lecithin in eggs also work to lower blood cholesterol levels. Bulgarian scientists say that phosphorus content in eggs is more effective than viagra.

Quail eggs are also a food that has antibacterial properties. If you often have colds, scientists recommend eating quail eggs every morning.

Quail eggs are used for people with anemia, severe headache, bronchial asthma, and gastritis. Normalizes in eggs also good for blood pressure and improves digestion. So this food is very useful for children, the sick and pregnant women.

Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs are not likely to cause allergies. In contrast, some proteins in quail eggs can prevent allergies, so on this basis people also produce drugs to treat allergies.

About the market price, each quail egg is only 1/6 - 1/5 chicken eggs. Therefore, it can be said that quail eggs are better and cheaper than chicken eggs.