The Institute of Tropical Biology has successfully researched and manufactured chicken eggs with 5 to 8 times higher Omega-3 content than regular chicken eggs.

Folk people believe that goose eggs are good for pregnant women, to help children be healthy and smart. However, there is practically no research work or document on this effect.

Egg yolk does not raise cholesterol, but adults should only eat 3 fruits a week and 2-year-old children can eat 4 eggs.

Looking at the egg yolk, you can tell which egg was born by that healthy chicken. Pay attention to its color to recognize the quality of the product!

Protein is located mainly in the white, whereas fat and cholesterol are in the yolk.

Very nutritious eggs including protein, potassium, vitamins A, D, and B12 ... enhance health.

Eggs are a nutritious food such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, minerals, enzymes, hormones and many vitamins that are very popular for mothers in their daily meals.

If processing food from eggs improperly, it will reverse effect, even harmful to health.

There are certain foods that should not be eaten after exercise because they not only help restore the body but also make the body more active to digest them.

Seafood rich in calcium, spinach, carrots, eggs, oatmeal ... are the foods that help you get better.