When people diet, brain cells deal with malnutrition by
According to the results of scientific work published at the Experimental Biology Conference for Nutrition of the American Social Society in 2011, blueberry consumption will
In a marathon, the weight of a person decreases more or less depending on how long the person runs to the finish line.
Dieting never helps obese people reduce their body weight and become leaner.
US scientists say one in six Americans struggles with weight loss and some have maintained the necessary weight loss.
More slender, smarter ... You can achieve two things at the same time thanks to a remedy that doesn't need a doctor to prescribe - an egg.
Are you going to be a mother? Pay more attention to a healthy diet: what you eat now can be the basis for determining whether your baby can develop heart disease, obesity or
You can't fit into old jeans even though you've given birth to a baby all year long? It may simply be that you lack sleep.
Participating in heavy exercise programs to regain the postpartum is a waste of time, the German researchers announced.
Mushrooms are the top food for people who want to lose weight and are very effective for people with high blood pressure.