Stomach tightening - an effective solution for obese people

Dieting never helps obese people reduce their body weight and become leaner.

The only solution for obese patients who want to lose weight is to perform surgery because once obese people gain weight, their bodies " accept " new weight and try to regain lost weight as quickly as possible. good.

Nick Finer, an obese specialist professor at the University of London, UK, said only 2-3% of obese people lose weight long-term thanks to dieting and this is a small percentage of those People apply surgical methods. Therefore, according to him, " reducing the balance of dieting methods is completely inappropriate ."

Picture 1 of Stomach tightening - an effective solution for obese people Professor Finer explains: " The human body exists in an environment that requires regular food intake and every person's body goes to the program to maintain that weight at all costs. Therefore, As body weight increases, the amount of hormones and the nervous system will become more attuned to the new weight and it is difficult to cut down on food intake, especially in areas where Food can be easily searched and met . "

Therefore, according to Professor Finer, the best way to deal with obesity is to set up a system to monitor the process of increasing fat in each patient's body and perform a gastric bypass surgery .

However, the above method only applies to people who are severely obese, meaning a body weight greater than 101kg.

Although this is the most feasible solution, the cost of such an operation is currently high and it accounts for more than 15% of the hospital's budget.

In addition, the cost of treating obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure has also increased in recent years.

Doctors said that gastric ligation is a minor surgery to prevent food intake and absorption through the bloodstream . Initially, people thought that the surgery method was quite simple because it was only to prevent food intake, however, the surgery could change the nervous system and receive hormones from the intestine to the brain and making obese patients feel fuller longer, gradually eliminating the feeling of regular hunger.

Another benefit of slimming surgery is that patients can reduce the negative symptoms of diabetes, helping diabetics to be less dependent on the medication every day.

Gastric ligation surgery can help obese patients completely reduce their body weight by more than 40% and this is why obese patients increasingly choose this effective solution.