The tips to help improve stomach problems are simple but effective

Please refer to the 6 tips to improve simple and effective stomach problems in the following article!

Let's face the truth, stomach is a problem for many people.The stomach does not work well, affecting the mood, appetite and even your daily life and work . In short, it's a perfect start to a bad day.

However, this is not always the case. If you're always complaining about indigestion and reflux acid, try the following tips for a healthy stomach, helping you live a better life.

1. Eat a banana every day

Picture 1 of The tips to help improve stomach problems are simple but effective Vitamin B6 found in bananas can help relieve acid reflux.

Vitamin B6 found in bananas can help relieve acid reflux . In fact, people who consume a lot of fruits and vegetables during the day are those who are less likely to suffer from acid reflux symptoms.

In a 2006 study, participants divided into two groups: Group A would use supplements containing Vitamin B-6, B-12, and B-9 along with amino acids L-tryptophan, Methionine, Betaine and Melatonin; while group B is recommended to use Omeprazole. Within 40 days, all acid reflux symptoms disappear in group A participants, so the success rate is 100%.

2. Gently lift the head and shoulders when sleeping

Picture 2 of The tips to help improve stomach problems are simple but effective You should place the pillow on an inclined plane, lifting the head of the bed about 15cm.

Gently lifting the head and shoulders when sleeping also contributes to reducing acid reflux at night due to gravity. You should place the pillow on an inclined plane, lifting the head of the bed about 15cm ( as shown ). Lifting the head and shoulders allows gravity to keep the acids moving up the esophagus, thereby reducing the possibility of heartburn .

3. Sleep sideways to the left

Picture 3 of The tips to help improve stomach problems are simple but effective Leaning to the left when sleeping will favor the stomach.

If sleeping on a mattress with a pillow is difficult for you or you have to share that bed area with someone else, the way is not feasible. In this case, you just need to lie on the left side . According to a study published in Clinical Gastroenterology , lying to the left when sleeping will be conducive to the stomach, because your stomach is also on the left. This is due to gravity, so when you lie on your left side, you will feel better because stomach acid is less likely to move up the esophagus.

4. Choose oatmeal

Picture 4 of The tips to help improve stomach problems are simple but effective Oatmeal is easy to digest.

Oatmeal is a light and low-fat food, so it is a perfect choice for the stomach.Oatmeal not only has many wonderful nutrients to treat stomach pain, but is also very easy to digest . If you have to lie in bed, oatmeal is a safe choice to digest food in the stomach.

According to the guidance of Gastroenterology College in the US, you should eliminate stomach " heavy " foods and use foods with high fiber content, which will help control bad stomach symptoms. .

5. Drink enough water

Picture 5 of The tips to help improve stomach problems are simple but effective Drinking a few glasses of water can reduce heartburn and wash away stomach acids.

Most of us know that every day, the human body needs to absorb 8 to 10 glasses of water. However, how many of us actually count drinking glasses every day? Did you know that when you have stomach pain, drinking a few glasses of water can reduce heartburn and wash away stomach acids ?

However, with more severe cases, drinking water is just a temporary relief. When falling into such a situation, it is actually better to drink alkaline water. According to one study, alkaline water with a pH of 8.8 surpasses the ability to inhibit hydrochloric acid and inactivate pepsin, thus providing therapeutic benefits to patients.

6. Use Soda Cracker

Picture 6 of The tips to help improve stomach problems are simple but effective Real soda biscuits absorb acid, thus can reduce stomach pain.

Soda Cracker is a type of biscuits that can reduce heartburn and neutralize excess acid in the digestive system. Unlike water that only washes acid back to the stomach, actual soda biscuits absorb acid, so can relieve stomach pain. It is also a simple formula that reduces heartburn that you can use easily; take a spoonful of sugar and add a full glass of water, stir and drink.

The reason that baking soda is effective is because it acts as an antacid. However, if you are on a low-sodium diet it is better to avoid this tip and consult a health professional.