Simple tips to cure hiccups, nasal congestion very effectively

Some minor problems such as nasal congestion, hiccups, sneezing or teary tears are not dangerous, but create discomfort and inconvenience for the affected person. With just a few simple steps, we can easily overcome these troubles.

The method of hiccup curing, rapid nasal clearance


If you have a stuffy nose, push two fingers between your eyebrows and push your tongue up to reach the roof of your mouth. This approach is believed to help block congestion through the transfer of vomer.

Stop hiccups

Picture 1 of Simple tips to cure hiccups, nasal congestion very effectively
Snapshot from video.

Ordinary hiccups are not dangerous but cause discomfort and inconvenience for the infected person. If you have hiccups, try drinking water while covering your ears with your hands. If hiccups are not over, stretch your tongue out with your hand. This will reduce episodes of diaphragmatic contractions and stimulate nerves.

Stop tearing

If your eyes don't stop crying, look up at the ceiling and hold your breath, then slowly exhale. You can also squeeze the bridge of the nose near the middle of the eyes. This has the effect of preventing tears from flowing from your lacrimal glands.

Terminate or cause sneezing

Looking at the bright light, such as the sun, will make you sneeze. Conversely, if you want to stop sneezing, squeeze the bridge of your nose or / and use your tongue to tickle your mouth. However, the advice of experts is, it is best to let sneeze occur naturally to avoid potential damage.