Having a stuffy nose when you get the flu, is it better to go outside or swallow the stomach?

According to the latest research, you should swallow. Don't think it's dirty! Anyway, normally you don't "drink" about 2l of your own nose and saliva every day.

The flu is anyone who does not suffer, especially during the seasonal transition like this. It not only makes us ache, tired, but also very inconvenient because of a stuffy nose.

Although you can breathe through your mouth, that way makes your throat more dry and painful. And even if it temporarily resolves the problem of providing air to the lungs, there is still a lot of noses filling up in the airway.

There are usually two ways to "clean up" these swarms.One is a blow (blows his nose) out, two are swallowed down . Most of us use both ways, but it is obvious that everyone wants to throw it out and not swallow it.

Picture 1 of Having a stuffy nose when you get the flu, is it better to go outside or swallow the stomach?
Farting habits when you have a cold can be the cause of flu spread.

Unfortunately, this way of handling is not true! According to a recent study from experts from the Department of Tropical Medicine at the Royal Liverpool Hospital of the United Kingdom, the habit of blowing your nose when you have a cold may be the cause of flu spread.

Although it may seem cleaner to blow your nose out, it is not really the case. According to Dr. Simon Gane, the nose is not the most effective solution. Instead, "Swallowing is better" - Gane said.

"You don't even need to try to inhale and swallow; in fact, we've always swallowed saliva and nose without knowing it, and up to 2 liters a day."

According to Gane, it is normal to have a stuffy nose when you have a cold. It is just a defense mechanism of the body. It took millions of years to evolve, the human body found a way to deal with the flu virus that secretes mucus that blocks the airway. If it is blocked by viruses and bacteria, let the body deal with them.

If you hate to "drink" your nose, you can use a nasal spray . However, Gane recommends that it should not be used continuously for many days , as it may harm the lining of the nose.

And if you insist on having a nasal sliver feel better, then take a gentle approach. The skin in our nose is both very fragile and very close to the surface. If your nose is too strong, you can make your nose bleed.