Why is the Vietnamese nose low but the Westerners are high?

The scientific community has explained why Vietnamese people's noses are often low, big nostrils while high Western nose is high . it turns out all have its reasons.

We have always thought that nose shape is inherited, but now researchers have discovered a link between nose shape and weather .

In the late 1800s, the anthropologist, an anatomist, Arthur Thompson, had the idea that the shape of the nose could be affected by the climate.

He conducted research based on human skull measurements and concluded: people living in hot and humid climates often have low, wide noses; on the contrary, people living in cold, dry climates have narrower and narrower noses.

Picture 1 of Why is the Vietnamese nose low but the Westerners are high?
The shape of the nose can be affected by the climate.

In a recent study, led by geneticist Arslan Zaidi of the University of Pennsylvania and a team of experts from the US, Ireland and Belgium - they captured many aspects of the relationship between nose shape and climate. .

The results of the study are also published in the PloS Genetics Genetics magazine.

Accordingly, the team used 3D face images of 476 volunteers from different regions with different climates: South Asia, East Asia, West Africa and Northern Europe to measure width and distance. nostrils, height, nose length.

Picture 2 of Why is the Vietnamese nose low but the Westerners are high?
The more people live near the equator, the wider the nostrils.

Zaidi said, the size and width of the nose is related to the temperature and humidity of the living area.

People living in hot weather have wider nostrils than people who live in cold weather.

The more people live near the equator, the wider the nostrils. The reason for this connection is because one of the important tasks of the nose is air conditioning warm and moist enough before going to the lungs to ensure human health and help them adapt to the living environment. better.

Picture 3 of Why is the Vietnamese nose low but the Westerners are high?
People who live in places with high temperatures, including Vietnam often have low noses and wide nostrils.

For example, if you live in a cold, dry environment, the air that passes through the nasal passages to the lungs will be cold and dry.

The mechanism of the airways inside the nose is responsible for warming and moistening the air before it reaches the lungs. And of course, narrow nostrils will help increase humidity as well as warm airflow and reduce the impact of cold air.

Those who live in high-temperature places, including Vietnam, often have lower nose and wider nostrils for breathing.