Why is the male nose bigger than a woman's nose?

You may not notice it, but the truth is that men have bigger noses than women. One study found that with an equal body size, the average male nose was 10% larger than the female nose.

Why? According to researchers, men are more muscular than women, so more oxygen is needed to build and maintain muscle health. Larger noses also bring more oxygen to them.

Previously, researchers guessed that the size of the nose was affected by body mass, so there was a need for different oxygen uptake. This is the first long-term study to consider how different the nose size is between men and women, how this difference is related to body size, to determine when others are different. Physical differences between the two sexes began to appear.

Picture 1 of Why is the male nose bigger than a woman's nose?

The study was published in the Journal of Physical Anthropology at the end of November 2013, observing the facial changes of 38 people, including 20 men and 18 women, of European origin, from the time they were 3 years old. until they arrived around the mid-twenties.

Even with the same body size, the researchers found that the male nose developed disproportionately, starting to outweigh the nose of females around the age of 11 years. This finding seems reasonable: changes occur during puberty, when men start developing muscles, more oxygen is needed, while in puberty, the female body grows again. more fat.

The researchers explained that a larger nose means more oxygen is inhaled to transport it in the blood, providing muscles that need more oxygen. Research indicates that the size of the nose is closely linked to the needs of the respiratory system , rather than the texture of the face.

Picture 2 of Why is the male nose bigger than a woman's nose?
Upper left photo: skull and nose of a boy before puberty;upper right photo: skull and nose of a girl before puberty;bottom left photo: skull and nose of adult man;lower right photo: skull and nose of an adult woman.

According to the study, this may also explain why the human nose is now smaller than our ancestors', like the Neanderthals, for example, because the ancient human body is large, muscular. than.

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