Onions - Good medicine for many chronic diseases

Due to the pungent taste, many people hate to eat this dish. However, for people with osteoporosis, stomach, diabetes . onion is a cheap and effective medicine.

>>>Eating onions benefits the heart and prevents cancer

Onions are one of the few vegetables that contain Prostaglandin A. Prostaglandin A is a very powerful vasodilator, which can soften blood vessels, reduce the consistency of blood, increase blood flow to coronary arteries. , promotes excretion of substances that lead to high blood pressure such as sodium, so that can regulate blood fat, both reduce pressure and prevent blood clots from forming.

1. Better than anti-osteoporosis medicine

Homemakers in the family do not like to use onions to prepare food, when processing may be tearing, many people also fear the taste of onions. Except for the chefs, it is very difficult to find people who like onions, which are very few.

But those who want to have strong bones, grow taller bodies, and prevent osteoporosis are better off trying to create a habit of eating this.

Because, one study shows that onions are a vegetable that has the best ability to prevent osteoporosis. Their anti-osteoporosis effect is even better than that of 'calcitonin' - a drug that treats osteoporosis.

That study was conducted on male white mice, eating 1gr of onions daily, continuously for 1 week, the average bone density of that mouse increased to 13.5-18%. Another group of experiments has discovered, also for white mice to eat mixed vegetables mixed with onions can also reduce osteoporosis. The third group used female mice to remove the ovaries for testing every day to eat 1.5 grams of onions, resulting in a 25% reduction in osteoporosis.

Picture 1 of Onions - Good medicine for many chronic diseases
Photo: inserbia.info

Even more remarkable is the health protection effect of onions that can be seen within 12 hours. The researcher said that based on the anti-osteoporosis effect of onions, we can use onions to protect our health, every day we should eat 200-300gr onions to prevent osteoporosis. .

2. Increase cholesterol useful

According to an expert Tim - Harvard Institute of Medicine said, every day to eat 1/2 onions or drink onion juice with the same amount, on average can increase HDL content in people with heart disease to 30% . (HDL is a high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, a type of cholesterol that is thought to be beneficial for preventing atherosclerosis, which is also a good, beneficial cholesterol).

Every day, eat half a tuber or drink the same amount of juice, onions can also protect the heart, which can increase good cholesterol, but if the onions are cooked, the effect is even worse.

3. Resolution of fat

Harvard Institute of Medicine has done research, for patients with heart disease every day onions, resulting in chemical compounds in onions that can prevent blood clots, and speed up the dissolution of blood clots.

Therefore, when enjoying foods that are high in fat, it is best to eat with onions, thus reducing the risk of blood clots caused by high-fat foods, so eating beef steak Having eaten with onions is very reasonable.

Picture 2 of Onions - Good medicine for many chronic diseases
Photo: cookstowngreens.com

4. Prevention of stomach cancer

Onions and garlic, green onions and chives, these are all vegetables, and they all contain anti-cancer chemicals. According to one study, the more onions, the lower the incidence of stomach cancer.

5. Reduce asthma

Onions contain at least 3 types of anti-inflammatory chemicals that can treat asthma. Because onions can inhibit histamine, histamine is a chemical that can lead to asthma. According to a German study, onions can make asthma's incidence rate drop by half.

6. Treat diabetes

For a long time onions have been used to treat diabetes, so far medicine has shown that onions can actually reduce blood sugar, moreover whether it is good to eat raw or eat cooked. In onions there is a chemical compound that protects against diabetes, like taking hypoglycemic drugs, onions that stimulate insulin to form and release.

7. Prevent and treat insomnia

Picture 3 of Onions - Good medicine for many chronic diseases

The miraculous effect of onions is not just like what the above said, in everyday life, onions are also used to treat insomnia: finely chopped black onion and next to pillows, in onion with ingredients stimulated, will promote miraculous effects are calm nerves, slowly help us fall asleep.

8. Prevention and treatment of nasal congestion

When you have a cold, drinking hot onion soup will quickly perspire and reduce fever. If the nose is blocked, take a small piece of onion stuffed into the nostrils, the tear gas of the onions will help the nose quickly clear.

In addition, onion peeled off the thin outer shell and then soaked in wine, then stored in the refrigerator compartment, after 1 week to take it out, onion can be eaten, very effective for treating gout .

Introduce a little about onion salad salad, in addition to the way the first part is introduced, onion after soaking in ice and then put it in the refrigerator, take the green chilli, red chilli and yellow pepper to clean. cut the fiber as small as possible, then store it in the refrigerator compartment, before eating and mixing with onions (take out the water bowl) and then pour soy sauce, sesame oil, black vinegar, a little sugar, then Sprinkle white sesame on top, the color is very beautiful.

9. 'Air purifier'

The way to protect the environment is very good, hope to give your home a clean, non-bacteria atmosphere:

Buy a big onion, peel off the thin outer shell and remove it, leaving only the pure white onion, cut off one corner of the bulb, put in a bowl or a plate, no need to add water , onions will spread out a type of molecule that can clean the air in the room, effectively kill bacteria, especially when there are people with colds in the house. When the onions are wilted or they don't look good, replace them.