Eating onions benefits the heart and prevents cancer

Onions are of the allium group (onion), rich in sulfur-containing compounds - the cause of a pungent odor - but very good for health.

Benefits for cardiovascular

According to Fitnea, much evidence suggests that the sulfur compound found in onions can prevent blood clotting and help prevent unwanted clotting of platelet cells.

There is also evidence that sulfur compounds in onions reduce blood cholesterol and triglycerides, helping to improve the function of cell membranes in bright red blood cells. The flavonoid compound found in onions can prevent heart attacks.

Picture 1 of Eating onions benefits the heart and prevents cancer
The types of onions and spices that make up the aroma are both beneficial for health.(Photo: Fitnea)

Benefits for bone tissue and connective tissue

Research has shown that onions can help increase bone density. It is especially good for menopausal women who often suffer from bone problems.

In addition, there is evidence that women who have passed through menopause can reduce the risk of fractures by eating onions daily. In this study, the scientists note that for older women eating onions less than once a month or less, there is not much effect but to eat onions every day to increase bone density. Moreover, high levels of sulfur in onions can provide direct benefits to connective tissue in the body.


Allium vegetables contain important anti-inflammatory substances. The amount of sulfur found in onions helps obstruct the activity of white blood cells, which plays an important role in the immune system, furthermore one of the harmful effects of white blood cells is possible. Severe inflammatory reactions.

The antioxidants of onions provide the body with an anti-inflammatory "medicinal" source. Antioxidants also help prevent oxidation of fatty acids in the body. When the body has less fatty acids, it is less likely to produce inflammatory components. Thanks to that, the infection in the body is well controlled.

Prevent cancer

Onions are proven to reduce the risk of cancer, even if you consume only a moderate amount. Colorectal cancer, larynx and ovaries can prevent if you eat onions in moderate amounts. So try to add an onion to the recipe. For individual servings, about half of onions should be used.

Other health benefits

Onions can help your body improve your blood sugar balance, help prevent infection. Along with sulfur compounds, quercetin flavonoids in the onions provide antimicrobial benefits.

Some studies give him the time to keep onions should not be too long, should not cook onion. If cooking for more than 10 minutes can reduce the benefits that the onions bring to the body. So, store it carefully, handle it and cook it properly so that your body makes the most of the benefits of this food.