Onions can help fight cancer

Onions is an interesting plant. In Russian folk medicine, people regard onions as a panacea.

The ancient material mentions that the slave masters used onions to maintain the strength of the slaves when building the Egyptian Pyramid. It is a medicinal herb that was used 4,000 years ago and has just discovered it has the ability to cure cancer.

In the composition of onions, it is found that there are Vitamin A, B1, B2, PP, C, calcium and phosphorus salts, plant antibiotics, citric acid and malic acid, glucos, saccaroz, fructoz, maltoz . Unique convergence of these substances in a plant makes its special value.
With such chemical composition, onions have the nature of prevention and treatment of cancer. In a scientific study, in areas where people have the habit of eating onions daily, the incidence of cancer is very low.

In medical history, there have been a number of diseases cured with just two 'tastes' of onions and garlic and after two weeks it is cured.

Picture 1 of Onions can help fight cancer
Onions work to prevent cancer
mail is not good for people with heart disease.

An Englishman, F. Chichester, is diagnosed with stomach cancer. According to doctors, patients only live for one more month. Because he was a very good climber, he decided to make a last climb in his life. Unfortunately, he fell and had to stay in a deserted little house at the foot of the mountain and the food there was nothing more than onions.

When he could return home on his own, he was pathetic and thin with only skin and bones, but the doctors did not detect any trace of cancer when examined. To commemorate his unexpected luck, he traveled around the world alone on a motorized rubber boat.

Vitamins A and C in onions can stop the growth of malignant tumors. In addition to treating cancer, people use carrots, radishes and other vitamin-rich vegetables.

Use onions to treat cancer should eat twice a day during meals, each with a small onion. It can be added to salads or whey and sunflower oil to make it easier to digest vitamins. It is also possible to soak the onion in wine (1 serving, 20 portions of alcohol) 3 times a day, a small spoon before a half hour meal. Alcohol soaked onions can also massage outside the tumor.

The best onion type is the one that has sprouted 5-7cm long, accumulating most of the tubers and tuberous substances that have started to dry out.

When treating cancer by eating onions and also being cancer prevention, foods that contain carcinogens must be avoided.

However, onions are also contraindicated for people with kidney, liver and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In onions contain glycosides that affect the heart's activity, so it is also contraindicated for people with cardiovascular disease.