Onions - natural antibiotics

Onions have long leaves, small bulbs, often used in cooking as a familiar spice. But the small onion tree also contains in it many secrets that not every housewife knows.

Onions contain a significant amount of calcium, phosphorus and potassium, carotene and iron, very good for the body. However, nutritional composition is not its most precious thing.

Onions contain a lot of chemical ingredients with therapeutic effects such as malic acid, phytin and allylsulfite, essential oils, especially alicine-soluble antibiotics in water. Alicine helps to kill bacteria very well for some diseases like typhoid, dysentery, cholera, bacilli, diphtheria. However, it is easy to lose its effect by heat, alkali. Therefore, while cooking, onions are the final spice to avoid alicine loss.

Onions also contain fitoncidi antimicrobial. When there is an infectious disease through the respiratory tract, eat onions for prevention.

Due to the high concentration of antibiotics, onion oil has a strong antiseptic effect, applied outside to treat festering pimples. Because onions can stimulate sweat glands, they can also be used as a detox food. People still cook onion porridge to treat colds, typhoid, headache to eat hot onion porridge, cure back pain, dysentery.

Picture 1 of Onions - natural antibiotics

(Photo: Hort.purdue.edu)

In addition, onions also work to lower blood fat, have a certain therapeutic effect on cardiovascular disease. Onion juice is good for treating anemia. The sulfur compound in this spice helps prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Some remedies from the onion tree

Crushed onion is soaked in boiling water, bruised or small nose to cure acute and chronic nasal congestion, inflammation of the nasal mucosa

Flu, headache : Take onions 6-8 tubers, ginger 10 g, thinly sliced, pour into 1 cup of boiling water, burst the nose mouth 2-3 times a day. At the same time, sharpen ginger juice and onions to drink (1 cup between meal and 1 cup before going to bed).

Pregnancy : We have 60 g of fresh onions and sharp colors to drink until we are pregnant.

Hypertension : Onion 2-3 slices, mix sugar, or cook water regularly. Take 4-5 times, blood pressure will decrease.

Intestinal obstruction caused by roundworm : Fresh onion leaves 30 g crushed, mixed with 30 g sesame oil (sesame oil). Drink 2-3 times a day Crushing onions on the forehead can reduce headaches.

Small onions can be used as expectorants. Crush and mix with alum sugar, for a while to let the water flow. Use about 3-4 teaspoons of this juice to calm the cough and sore throat.