Eating lots of fresh fish helps prevent cancer

People who eat a lot of fish will have a lower risk of colon cancer and even colorectal cancer, according to an analysis of 41 studies around the world by Chinese scientists.

The result, just published in the American Journal of Medicine, is the latest report on the benefits of fish for human health.

Jie Liang works at the Gastroenterology Hospital in Xi'an and colleagues analyzed 41 studies by scientists from the US, Japan, Norway, Finland and many other countries published during the 1990s. by 2011, the amount of fish consumed and the number of diagnosed cancers.

Picture 1 of Eating lots of fresh fish helps prevent cancer

'From these studies, we find that fish consumption is inversely proportional to colorectal cancer cases , ' said Jie Liang. 'Fish reduces the risk of colorectal or rectal cancer by 21%'.

'We should add a lot of fish in the diet to enjoy many health benefits from this food such as avoiding cardiovascular, reproductive and colon cancer diseases,' said Michael Gochfeld, Professor of Environmental and Vocational Studies. career at the University of Medicine and Dentistry in New Jersey.

However, the above conclusion is only meaningful for fresh fish, but the author does not mention the type of fish as well as the processing method.

'Temperatures to ripen fish may also affect the risk of colon cancer , ' Lian told Reuters. Recent studies show that eating too much meat and grilled fish at high temperatures can actually cause cancer.

According to another study published in February, women who eat fish three times a week will have less polyps, small tumors that form in the lining of the colon may develop into cancer, less than for women who only eat fish once a week.

Reference: Foxnews