Eating principles help reduce the risk of cancer

Eating lots of fish, chicken, and drinking green tea every day and limiting fat can help you prevent cancer effectively.

Dr. Hoang Dinh Chan - Director of Hung Viet Cancer Hospital (Hanoi) - said many causes can lead to cancer, but among them, the most common is due to lack of scientific eating habits. . Experts suggest eating principles that help you limit your chances of getting cancer.

Enhance eating chicken and fish

Beef and pork are one of the most popular foods, but their abuse can have a big impact on health. Scientific research has shown that if you eat too much red meat, you may have a 16% increased risk of lung cancer and a 22% risk of breast cancer.

Therefore, Dr. Chan recommends that people eat fish and chicken 2-3 times a week. Besides, you should not eat salted fish, sausages or processed foods because they may contain chemicals that can cause cancer.

Picture 1 of Eating principles help reduce the risk of cancer
Experts recommend that people eat fish and chicken 2-3 times a week.(Photo: livestrong).

Limit fat intake

Eating too much fat can cause endocrine disorders, affecting health and is one of the risk factors for cancer, especially some types of cancer such as breast, colorectal and prostate paralysis.

Drink green tea every day

Green tea is one of the very good drinks for the body and also has the ability to prevent cancer. According to a recent survey, if you drink tea daily, you can reduce your risk of cancer by 40%.

In addition, the results of this study also showed that drinking tea regularly every day is very effective in preventing lung, liver and palate cancer. Different teas also have different effects.

According to Dr. Chan, green tea is rich in polyphenols, which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. However, you should not drink a lot of hot, thick tea.