Flax seeds help reduce the risk of breast cancer

Canadian scientists in one of their studies said that eating flax seeds helps postmenopausal women reduce their risk of breast cancer by 28%. While eating flax bread to help women before and after menopause reduce this risk by 26%, according to NaturalNews on 2/5.

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Picture 1 of Flax seeds help reduce the risk of breast cancer
Flax seeds contain lignan, which reduces the risk of breast cancer - (Photo: Shutterstock)

Accordingly, scientists at the Ontario Cancer Institute analyzed the diet of 2,999 women with breast cancer and 3,370 healthy women aged 25-74.

The results showed that postmenopausal women reduced their risk of developing this disease by 28% at least 1/4 cup of flaxseed in a month, while those who ate at least one piece of flax bread. In each week, there is a 26% reduction in risk.

According to the study, lignan, a powerful antioxidant polyphenol compound and helps reduce the harmful effects of hormones estrogen, has long been recommended by scientists around the world to prevent breast cancer.

Foods containing lignan include coarse grains, bran, nuts, nuts and some vegetables.