America's incredible discovery: The most feared cancer cell is love

Dr. David Hawkins is a very famous doctor in the US, his patients come from all over the world. He said, just by seeing the patient, he knew that the person was sick. Because on the body the patient never found the word "love", only saw the word "suffering, hatred, sorrow" covering their whole body.

"A lot of people get sick because they are not loved, they only see suffering and depression, vibration frequencies lower than 200 will be easy to get sick," he said. Vibration frequency is the magnetic field that people often say.

He also discovered that patients often have negative thoughts. The frequency of vibration of people over 200 will not be sick. In patients, this frequency is usually lower than 200. What is the vibration frequency of people like 200? Those who are resentful, criticize, hate others, their frequency is only 30, 40. In the process of blaming others will consume a lot of their energy so the frequency of vibration will lower than 200, these people are at risk for many diseases.

Picture 1 of America's incredible discovery: The most feared cancer cell is love
Cancer cell.

The highest vibration index is 1000, the lowest is 1. He said that in his life he had met the person with the highest vibration frequency of 700, the energy in his body was abundant. When these people appear, they will affect the magnetism of the surrounding area. For example, when the monk Trisara received the Nobel Peace Prize, the whole hall atmosphere was very good, the frequency of vibration was very high, her magnetic field made the hall feel the energy flooding. nice and touching from her.

When high-energy people appear, their magnetic fields will make things better. As for people with negative thoughts, not only harming themselves but also making the surrounding magnetic field deteriorate.

Picture 2 of America's incredible discovery: The most feared cancer cell is love
Dr. David Hawkins.

Dr. Hawkins said he used to be a patient for millions of people, different types of people all over the world, all giving the same answer. If the frequency of vibration is lower than 200, the person will become ill. Over 200 will not get sick, thoughts with vibrational frequencies above 200 include: caring for others, rich in compassion, compassion, kindness, tolerance, tolerance, etc. These are all virtues. has a very high vibration frequency, reaching 400 - 500.

On the contrary, people with hatred, indignation, criticism, reproach, envy, demanding others, self-interest, selfishness, not caring about the feelings of others will have a frequency of vibration. very low.Low vibration frequency is the cause of diseases such as cancer, heart etc.

From a medical perspective, he thinks that the concept has a great influence on human health.

Picture 3 of America's incredible discovery: The most feared cancer cell is love
Low vibration frequency is the cause of diseases such as cancer, heart .

After Japan's Violoncelle Sean was suffering from cancer, he kept on fighting the disease but seemed to be getting worse. He changed his mood, decided to switch to love every cancer cell in his body. He was optimistic about life, everything he always found happy and grateful to cancer cells. He felt this feeling was great. After that, he decided to love everything in life, including every person and every thing.

After a while, all cancer cells are gone, this is the result beyond human imagination. Later, he became a famous therapist in Japan. This is the nature of life: Love .

The cause of illness is the lack of love in the body. Illness unconditionally pushed back
"love and be loved".