Pomegranate helps prevent breast cancer

Eating pomegranates may reduce the risk of breast cancer, according to a study by Ohio University (USA) scientists, recently published in the Journal of Cancer - Cancer Prevention Research.

Picture 1 of Pomegranate helps prevent breast cancer

The pomegranate contains the chemical elagitanin, which helps prevent the production of estrogen - an important catalyst for cancer cells to grow.

Scientists have found chemicals in pomegranates that play an important role in preventing the growth of breast cancer cells. This study will be an important premise to help scientists develop a more effective cancer prevention drug.

After conducting laboratory tests, scientists found in pomegranates that contain the chemical elagitanin, which helps prevent the production of estrogen - an important catalyst for health. cancer cells develop.

Currently, experts have not been able to determine how much elagitanin is to create an effect against the growth of cancer cells on humans. However, scientists also argue that just adding elagitanin through pomegranates and foods containing this substance is not enough to make it effective.

Professor Gary Stoner, a lecturer in the Department of Internal Medicine at Ohio Medical University and a member of the research team, said: 'In order to create efficacy in the treatment of cancer, we need to find compounds that have content. High ellagitannin because the amount of ellagitannin supplemented through food in daily meals is not enough to produce the desired effect. '

He also said that his team will continue to study more about the effects of pomegranates, he said: "We will study whether eating more pomegranates can create effects to inhibit the release. whether or not breast cancer cells and other cancers develop.