5 ways to prevent breast cancer effectively

As one of the two most fatal cancers for women, breast cancer is becoming an invisible fear that affects our lives.

Here are simple ways you can stay away from the disease.

1. Weight control

Being overweight or obese increases the risk of breast cancer. This is especially true for women of adulthood. The supply of estrogen for women is not only ovaries, but fat cells also contribute to the production of estrogen. According to scientists, the cause of the increased risk of breast cancer in overweight people is that many estrogens are produced in fat tissues.

If you have a weight that matches your height but suddenly shows signs of weight gain, experts recommend you control your diet and find ways to maintain a healthy weight.

2. Exercise regularly

Many studies have found that exercise is a habit that helps a healthy "double mountain". As long as you spend about 75 to 150 minutes of brisk walking each week, the risk of breast cancer is significantly reduced. The American Cancer Society recommends that people spend at least 150 minutes participating in moderate-intensity sports activities or 75 minutes of intense exercise.

Picture 1 of 5 ways to prevent breast cancer effectively

3. Eat lots of vegetables and cereals

Green vegetables contain sulfur compounds called indoles, which help remove excess estrogen from the body and prevent excess estrogen from activating breast cancer growth. Indole-3- carbinol (I3C) is a special compound capable of inhibiting breast cancer cell growth effectively.

High-fiber diets have been shown to reduce breast cancer risk by up to 54%. According to the researchers, reducing the risk of cancer may be due to the fibers absorbed and cling to intestinal toxins and support the body to excrete them.

4. Add Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown by many studies to be able to prevent the effects of a inflammatory substance called prostaglandin. This substance not only weakens the immune system but also weakens the body's ability to identify tumors. Omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed, linseed oil, walnuts, and fish help reduce prostaglandin levels and limit inflammation, thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer.

In a study in Finland, comparative results showed that people with breast cancer had lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids in breast tissue than women without the disease.

5. Breastfeeding

Of course there are many women who do not plan to have an early child for many different reasons. However, scientists especially encourage women to be aware of the health value of having a baby before age 30.

Some studies have shown that women who have their first child before the age of 30 will significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer compared to those who have never had children or had their first child after 30 years of age. Breastfeeding not only provides nutritional and immunological benefits for children, but is also a very effective preventative measure for breast cancer, especially when you breastfeed for about 12 months.