Dents on the chest warn of breast cancer

Tumors are a major factor in determining breast cancer, some body changes such as dents on the chest also warn the disease of evil.

As one of the leading cancer deaths in women, breast cancer is often found to be slow, making patients lose the opportunity to receive timely treatment. However, if you pay attention to every change of your body, you can predict the disease early as in the case of Sherrie Rohdes (UK).

Picture 1 of Dents on the chest warn of breast cancer
Dents on Sherrie's chest are signs of breast cancer.(Photo: Facebook).

According to Today, Sherrie noticed a few dents in her chest. At first, the 3-year-old mother did not think this was cancer because she did not feel any tumor. However, recalled Lisa Royle and Claire Warner, two women who once shared breast dents before being diagnosed with breast cancer, immediately went on a biopsy. As a result, she really got sick.

"Yesterday, I was diagnosed with breast cancer," Sherrie wrote on a personal page with an image of a dent on his chest. "It's shocking because these dents are the only sign."

In fact, although tumors are a major factor determining cancer, some changes such as redness, fluid flow, pain around the nipple or the phenomenon of cracking, such as the case of Sherrie can also warn the disease of evil .

How to check your breast cancer risk at home.

After posting on a personal page, Sherrie's article received hundreds of shares. The mother of 3 children hopes that thanks to her photo, women will pay attention to monitor the body to timely detect and treat the disease.